Between the first day of the year of the Chinese calendar, which falls this year on January 28, and the festival of lanterns, for 15 days the Asian community is celebrating! And not only in China. The new year is celebrated all over Asia (Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong ...) and of course in the major European capitals. The perfect opportunity to discover the culinary riches of the Middle Kingdom.

Chinese New Year traditions

The New Year's ceremony Every year, the elders have the habit of distributing red envelopes with presents to the younger ones.

The dragon dance . As majestic as it is festive, the dragon dance is the most exotic moment of the New Year's party. Dragons parade through the streets accompanied by crackling firecrackers and Bengal fires. Why make such a fuss? To ward off evil spirits, of course!

2017: The year of the rooster of fire

In the Chinese calendar, each year is associated with one of the twelve signs of the zodiac: rat, oxen, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Each year is also associated with one of five elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth. January 28th will mark the end of the year of the monkey and the first day of the year of the rooster. On January 28, we will begin the year of the rooster and the fire element.

According to Chinese beliefs, people of the sign of the cock are hardworking, resourceful, brave, talented ... Auspicious not?

How to know his Chinese sign?

Since the Chinese calendar does not correspond to ours, the year of birth alone is not enough to determine the Chinese sign. For example, if one was born on February 13, 1969, our Chinese astrological sign is the monkey. But if you were born on February 20, 1969 you will be a sign of the rooster. In the months of January and February, there is therefore a slight bump in the correspondence between the two calendars: if you were born before January 21, you are a sign of the previous year. If you were born after February 18 and March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November, December, your birth year indicates your Chinese astrological sign .

Rat : 1924/1936/1948/1960/1972/1984/1996/2008

Beef : 1925/1937/1949/1961/1973/1985/1997/2009

Tiger : 1926/1938/1950/1962/1974/1986/1998/2010

Chat : 1927/1939/1951/1963/1975/1987/1999/2011

Dragon : 1928/1940/1952/1964/1976/1988/2000/2012

Snake : 1929/1941/1953/1965/1977/1989/2001/2013

Horse : 1930/1942/1954/1966/1978/1990/2002/2014

Goat : 1931/1943/1955/1967/1979/1991/2003/2015

Monkey : 1932/1944/1956/1968/1980/1992/2004/2016

Cock : 1933/1945/1957/1969/1981/1993/2005/2017

Dog : 1934/1946/1958/1970/1982/1994/2006/2018

Pig : 1935/1947/1959/1971/1983/1995/2007

And if you take advantage of this event to savor the Chinese flavors? Discover in our slideshow the best Chinese culinary specialties spotted on Pinterest !