1 A shoot of essential oils
2 Sugar!
3 An egg (without yellow)
4 Rhythmic breathing
5 A hot drink
6 A greedy thought
7 A good brushing
8 A little English breakfast
9 Long-lasting chewing
10 A cure of chrome

1 A shoot of essential oils

They have a virtue of their own: just by breathing in them, the powerful scent of the essential oils of Ceylon Cinnamon and Clove deceives the brain and gives an impression of satiety. This is called olfactory persuasion ! Two possibilities to cut a desire to nibble : pour 1 drop of one of these oils (or mixture) on a neutral tablet to melt under the tongue or plunge your nose in a tissue soaked in 1 or 2 drops. Even more practical: the inhaler with 5 essential oils appetite suppressant (Puressentiel), 2 sprays in each -narine. Be careful, these oils are forbidden for the pregnant woman.

2 Sugar!

Yes we can ! Especially if you are in the middle of the afternoon, around 17 h . At this time, the serotonin level - which guarantees our good mood - goes down, especially in women, and the nervous system needs sugar . This is good because, according to the principles of chrononutrition, it is also the moment when the body metabolizes it best. So, no reason to deprive yourself of the snack, which does not count as a nibble but as a real meal. We then put on "healthy" and not industrial sugars : fresh fruits (rich in fiber), dried fruits, squares of chocolate with more than 70% cocoa, a compote without sugar ...

3 An egg (without yellow)

In case of small or big hollow, no other snack has the power to stall so long. A 2009 American study showed that eggs have a satiety index 50% higher than bread, for example. The reason: the egg white is very rich in proteins (especially ovalbumin), particularly long to digest. Result, chew a hard-boiled egg for at least 2 hours. A malignant appetite suppressant with less than 50 calories, provided you leave the yellow aside (too rich in fat).

4 Rhythmic breathing

It is often the stress (at work for example) which pushes to nibble! The next time an urgent file makes us want to throw ourselves on a packet of cakes, we adopt the "anti-ring" breathing : we breathe in 6 times, then we breathe out on 6 times, 6 times in a row, breathing fully with ribcage. This method, called "cardiac coherence", helps to slow down the heartbeat and better control emotions . Once calmed, the desire to bite / crack is already much less strong.

5 A hot drink

Green light on herbal teas (cardamom, licorice, anise ...) or tea whose naturally sweet taste is enough to satisfy the taste buds in case of hunger. As the liquid intake stalls a little, but not for long, it is better to invest in a Thermos and sip his drink in small sips , throughout the afternoon.

6 A greedy thought

Want chocolate ? Good news: we now have the right to make an orgy ... in his head! Researchers in psychology at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania, USA, have just shown that just thinking about what you want to eat has a satiating effect . Frustrating? Not even. The scientists asked 25 students to imagine that they were nibbling M & Ms. The volunteers then received a whole bowl in which they could pick at will. As a result, those who ate the most chocolate candy in their heads actually consumed less . According to a 2008 University of Birmingham study, recalling in detail his last meal would have a similar effect.

7 A good brushing

It's worth a try. In 2009, a study from the University of Tokyo comparing the habits of overweight people with those of thinner people concluded that those who brush their teeth after every meal are more likely to keep the line. The explanation? Brushing is a kind of ritual that marks the end of the meal. It sends to the brain the message that food intake is over: no more nibbling. And then a good smell of mint in the mouth, it is radical enough to diversion with the object of the offense (the famous paris-brest ). It remains to provide a small brush-toothpaste kit, to take everywhere with you.

8 A little English breakfast

The Anglo-Saxons are good: swallowing proteins in the morning (boiled egg, slice of ham, cheese ... if you avoid anything that is fried) rather than fast sugars (jam, refined cereals ...) avoids the peak blood sugar and insulin secretion that accompanies, so the pump stroke in the middle of the morning.

9 Long-lasting chewing

It is proven, a meal swallowed slowly and quietly hold longer than the same meal swallowed in 10 minutes because chewing sends a signal of satiety to the brain. On the other hand, chewing gum all day long would tend to disrupt these signals.

10 A cure of chrome

Some cravings, especially sweet , can be explained by a lack of chromium . This trace element helps to regulate the peaks of sugar in the blood , often responsible for nibbling . To take in cure of 1 or 2 months minimum to see decrease the desires of sugar .