Week 1: Soft start
Week 2: We go to the maxi-detox
Week 3: Purify the space too
Week 4: We keep his detox reflexes

Week 1: Soft start

We drink, we eat, we digest, we sleep, we work, we cogitate ... at each stage, our cells give themselves thoroughly. And generate waste that must be evacuated via the skin, lungs, kidneys, in short, all emunctories (our filters). Except that under the effect of cold, unhealthy diet, pollution, stress ... it is very likely to collapse under these toxins.

Step one: review your diet .

We eat healthier.

It is not because we attack a detox that we must deprive ourselves of food. The idea is rather to find a balance to turn the tide. So we trade our quiches and puff pastries for foods rich in soothing nutrients (but in moderate amounts): vegetables and fruits, oatmeal, nuts, salmon or lentils.

Reflexes 100% detox.

They allow to pamper the liver , the key organ whose function is to filter all our waste .

Drink 8 glasses of water a day (to help our kidneys to eliminate).

No more than one or two cups of coffee or tea in the morning.

After lunch, have tea or herbal tea (to drink as much liquid as you can ).

Avoid industrial foods, including so-called light sodas.

In case of hollow: a fruit, nuts or a square of dark chocolate.

Try to dine before 8 pm to give our body time to digest and eliminate all toxins .

We activate very softly:

Activities that are too intensive generate an excess of free radicals that are difficult to push towards the exit. So just walk further . Why ? This restores the elimination process (such as perspiration) while activating blood and lymphatic circulation. The muscles are better irrigated and the waste that clogs them is more easily evacuated. For this, we equip ourselves with a pedometer (from € 9.95 at Decathlon or Go Sport) and up to 6,500 steps / days. And we do not forget to "breathe well" (calmly, deeply, to relax the diaphragm), it's a key to feeling better .

A habit to take:

To know how to ask oneself Roberta Lee is a true follower of the " logbook ". Not to narrate the smallest details of its existence, but as a tool of psychological detox. Every day, there are questions: what spheres of my life seem to escape me? What relaxes me? And then there are three fundamental questions that will come up every week: What has stressed me today? How did I react? How did I care about myself then?

The right attitude:

Stop crossing your legs when sitting. "It's one of the most painful postures for the body," says Alain Libes, author of Les keys du corps (Grancher's ed). With this mechanical gesture, one crushes his muscles, his vessels and, therefore, nothing circulates

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Week 2: We go to the maxi-detox

The first week gave a brake essential to the accumulation of toxins while slowly starting their elimination. This second week, we accelerate the evacuation maneuver .

To your blenders! The base of the detox is to swallow a lot of liquid , vegetables and fruits to drain the toxins out of our body. To complete the effect - and because it stalls - we also add whole rice (organic) and legumes rich in nutrients and fiber (for transit).

In the morning: milk shake vitality

• 1 cup of yogurt 0% rich in probiotics • 1 tbsp. to c. vanilla extract • 1 cup blueberries • 2 tbsp. to c. honey
• 1 cup peppermint (fresh) • 1 tbsp. to s. of seeds
crushed linseed • 1 tbsp. to s. wheat germ • 1/2 cup skim milk or soy or almond

Mingle the ingredients in your blender. This milkshake is excellent at breakfast and at the 10 o'clock break.

At lunch: an energy soup

• 200 g approx. spinach or peas or asparagus,
or even, in season, pumpkin • 2 cups hot water
• 1 cube of broth • Salt

Mix all the ingredients in your blender and heat in the microwave. You can also add a cup of almond milk for a more energetic version if you do a little sport. This soup is to consume with a small bowl of rice (organic) 1/2 avocado 2 tbsp. to c. almonds, a drizzle of olive oil and a little lemon juice. You can also, if you wish, add soy sauce and sesame seeds.

At snack: doping smoothie

• 1 large granny apple or 2 small (peeled) • 1 branch
celery cut branch • 2 kiwis peeled • 1/2 cup ice cubes
• 1/2 cup of green tea • 1/4 lemon juice and zest
• 1 thin slice of ginger (peeled) • 1 tbsp. to c. honey
Mingle all the ingredients in your blender.

At dinner :

An ideal menu consists of 1 cup of whole rice (organic) 1/2 cup of lentils, 2 cups of steamed vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, kale, seasoned with lemon, olive oil, soy sauce).

We move a little more.

We are aiming for 7,000 steps / day at the end of the week. If we did not reduce the pace side-plate , we add 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercises (step, aerobics, cycling, Pilates ...).

A good habit to take:

Think positive. Very popular in the United States, positive psychology - integrates the use of the mantra, the little phrase to be repeated that gives courage or plays a soothing role. To everyone to define his for the day (I am calm / I am at peace with myself and the world ...). To repeat at the moment that we like for at least 5 min and focusing on what we say. At the same time, we continue, of course, to keep our logbook .

Slowdown on external pollution.

We avoid looking at the news more than half an hour a night, we cut his phone during meals and systematically from 10 pm to 7 am. It is expected a break without phone / mail / sms of 20 min at least during the day.

Week 3: Purify the space too

After the essential awareness of the first week, then free diving in the detox planet , we are working in the third week to clean up our environment . Why ? We secrete more cortisol, the stress hormone, when we are surrounded by disorder ...

We continue the diet .

We continue on the basis of week 2 (fruit smoothies, vegetable soup, rice ...) and we can also add fish .

We move even more.

Goal: 7,500 steps / day . We always ignore the elevators: we do not hesitate to take all the stairs that arise.

We clean our skin.

A good scrub removes dead cells that squat the surface of our skin and prevent it from breathing.

Step n ° 1: we adopt a scrubbing shower gel or loofah glove to slide in circular motions.

Step 2: Afterwards, a thin layer of green purifying clay paste is applied . When it dries, rewet with water and rinse with clear water (no gel or soap).

We dig the psychological file gently.

In addition to the three basic questions, one wonders in his diary: what made me happy today? What did I do to lighten myself? If the mantras do their little effect, we continue pushing the cap of positivism (I know how to manage my time / I allow myself to realize my dreams ...).

A good habit to take.

Ask half a day from time to time to evacuate all the organizational and logistical problems of the house. On the agenda: cleaning the cupboards, storing the cellar, sorting the photos or papers ... In the end, we reward ourselves with a fresh fruit juice .

Week 4: We keep his detox reflexes

It's time to take stock . We managed to eliminate most of our physical toxins . On the stress side, we made a real change. The goal of this week: consolidate its achievements .

We vary (finally) its menus. We opt for a fairly classic Mediterranean diet: vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils, nuts, red wine, little red meat, lots of fish and whole grains (organic).

We move frankly . We are targeting 8,000 daily steps. And we do not hesitate to go up to 10,000 ... At this rate, we maintain a good balance : the body rompes enough.

We project ourselves into the future . By wondering, just to verify that we are more zen to the idea of ​​tomorrow: where will I be in a year? What dreams do I want to achieve? Finally, we continue to repeat in loop his little mantras.

We take care of ourselves. "The massages," says Roberta Lee, "activate blood and oxygen circulation. It unlocks our energy. Studies have shown that sessions of 15 min, twice a week, for 5 weeks, reduce the stress rate . And why not consider a small thalasso detox (most centers now offer specific cures) booster in 3-4 months?

I drink what to eliminate more effectively?

Classic: Birch juice, Weleda (200 ml, 9,30 €). A must of the detox. The birch leaves activate the elimination functions . To drink diluted in a glass of water, 2 or 3 times a day during 3 weeks.

Trendy: Kusmi Tea Detox (case of 24 sachets, € 10). A green tea with mate for a diuretic and stimulating effect. We combine pleasure tea-time with efficiency.

Nature: Drainaflore Super Diet (30 ampoules, 17 €). A mixture of 15 organic plants which facilitates the elimination by the organs dedicated to this mission: the skin (attention, buttons in sight ...), lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines ... 1 ampoule / day.

To read

La detox des lazy, by Anne Benoît, because a detox in humor mode is also good (€ 5.90, eds Marabout).

"Detox 100% vitality" by Chico Shigeta. Many recipes full of energy (€ 15.90, Marabout edition).