1. At least 5 fruits and vegetables a day
2. At least 3 dairy products per day
3. Eat starchy foods at every meal
4. Eat meat, fish or egg 1 to 2 times a day
5. Fat is to be limited
6. Sweet products to restrict
7. Salt consumption must be rare
8. Unlimited water during and between meals
9. Physical activity to practice daily

1. At least 5 fruits and vegetables a day

It is about eating the equivalent of 80 to 100 grams , or, to have a simple idea, the size of a fist or two full tablespoons.
They are rich in vitamins , minerals , fiber and their favorable effect on health is demonstrated.
They are tasted in all forms: frozen, fresh, canned, cooked or raw ... and also pressed with the juice (fresh fruit pressed or 100% pure juice), mixed with smoothies, compotes (preferably "no added sugar" "), The soups ...

2. At least 3 dairy products per day

The "dairy products" category includes most milk-based products: yogurts, white cheeses, but also cheeses ... and of course the milk itself! A dairy product or a portion of dairy product is considered to correspond to: 1 yoghurt (125g) 1 individual white cheese (100g), 2 Swiss petits (60g), 30g of cheese, 1 glass of milk ...
Dairy products include calcium and often vitamin D , both essential for bone building and maintenance.
For example, eat a dairy product at each meal.
And to vary the pleasures, alternate between yogurt, milk, cheese and cheese.

Even though cream and butter are made from milk, they are not considered dairy products but fat : they are high in fat and low in calcium.

3. Eat starchy foods at every meal

They bring us what we call "complex carbohydrates" which unlike simple carbohydrates (sugar, sugary drinks, confectionery, pastries, desserts, etc.) are assimilated more slowly by the body so we bring energy for a long time. time to go hungry.

Ideally, they are consumed punctually during the meal and in moderate amounts: as an accompaniment to vegetables for example.

Starchy foods are even more beneficial when combined with whole grain cereals. These are much richer in many nutrients favorable to health (fiber, vitamins ...). Bread, pasta, rice : all the main starchy foods exist in a complete form .

4. Eat meat, fish or egg 1 to 2 times a day

It is recommended to consume meat, fish or eggs, 1 to 2 times a day . Meat and fish provide us with excellent quality protein and iron.

Fish called "fat" such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring ... bring us essential fats such as Omega 3 excellent for hair among others.

5. Fat is to be limited

Excessive fat intake obviously increases the risk of weight gain or worse, developing cardiovascular disease. You have to know how to choose and dose which ingredients to favor in your kitchen.

Mainly, it is vegetable oils including rapeseed , olive and sunflower oil , fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines ...) oleaginous fruits (avocado, walnuts, hazelnuts ...)

Certain products are to be limited as far as possible : butter , certain cold meats, pastries and pastries, fried or breaded products, certain prepared dishes ...

6. Sweet products to restrict

Sweet products are caloric and can, when consumed in excess, participate in weight gain , the development of diabetes ...

If you like to finish your meals on a sweet note, prefer to take a fruit that contains fiber and vitamins, and contributes to satiation.

Also put less sugar in your hot drinks and dairy products.

Be careful because some sugary drinks, such as sodas, bring what are called " empty calories" : a lot of calories brought by sugar and no interesting nutrients ...

7. Salt consumption must be rare

Attention: professionals of the "salting", one brakes!

Used to the taste of salt on all dishes, we end up not feeling the true flavors ...

It is normally recommended not to consume more than 8g of salt per day for an adult, the equivalent of 3.15g of sodium.

Excessive salt intake promotes hypertension, which is itself a cause of cardiovascular disease. To remedy this annoying addiction, pay attention for example to the sodium content of the products you buy, do not immediately throw yourself on the salt shaker at the table and do not salt too much cooking.

8. Unlimited water during and between meals

Our body is composed of more than 60% of water in an adult ... But we lose every day part of this water through urine, sweating, breathing ... This represents about 2.5 liters per day.
We must compensate for this loss to maintain the balance of the body.
You have to drink water without waiting to be thirsty: try never to feel that thirsty feeling. (It will also save you headaches!)

To make the water less "bland", do not hesitate to opt for herbal teas, infusions, various teas and soups ...

9. Physical activity to practice daily

For health, it is recommended to practice the equivalent of at least 30 minutes of brisk walking a day!
In fact, regular physical activity people are logically less exposed to obesity , heart attacks and cancers than others.

So you just need to walk to get around, take the stairs instead of escalators or lifts ... and with a smile!