I have a side point when I run!
I want curved arms, not biceps of mover!
My ankles hurt me when I rollerblade!
I have less chest since I work my pecs with dumbbells!
At the pool, when I dive, I make a dish!
Instead of refining, my thighs have gained volume with the indoor bike!
Every time I play sports, I have body aches and no physical results!
I resumed jogging and I have a lot of pain in my calves!
To protect my brushing, out of the question to put the head under the water when I swim!

I have a side point when I run!

The problem Bad breathing, which causes a cramp of the diaphragm nicknamed "side point".

The solution . We always start with a warm-up of 5 min - walk, bike - then we stretch. This allows the respiratory system to adapt to the change of pace. At first, we trot and we increase its speed gradually. If you're out of breath, you walk instead of stopping abruptly. We open our shoulders and we breathe deeply. Each one has to find his own rhythm: an inspiration / two expirations or two inspirations / two expirations.

I want curved arms, not biceps of mover!

? The problem. With dumbbells too heavy, the muscle works " folded on itself ". It is shortened and is the insured inflator.

? The solution. It is necessary to choose a correct weight (2.5 kg-3 kg) which gives the sensation to provide an effort without excess. If you want to curve your arms with finesse, the series must be long (5 times 12 exercises) with very short recovery time (30 s) at the end of each. A good example: arm along the body, a dumbbell in hand, we go up to the top of the shoulder, elbow tight.

My ankles hurt me when I rollerblade!

? The problem. Rollers that do not hold enough foot.

? The solution. Choose a rigid pad with a good thickness of foam to offer all the necessary comfort. To allow flexion and articulation with the foot, do not compress the ankle, or let it float. Also pay attention to its position and always bring the feet towards each other between each push. One acquires without pain the good movement.

I have less chest since I work my pecs with dumbbells!

? The problem. The shoulders tend to close towards the front and one has the impression that the chest is losing its shape.

? The solution. The whole upper body is harmoniously developed: chest, shoulders and back. Very effective, the pumps : in support on the knees, hands located 20 cm from the shoulders, we go down bent elbows, tight belly, and we go back by pushing on the hands. In the beginning, we start with the knees under the hips and, little by little, we move them away to "spice up" the exercise. The right rhythm: 3 sets of 10 repetitions with 1 min of recovery between each series.

At the pool, when I dive, I make a dish!

? The problem When one lacks self-assurance, one tends to look up too far and look away. Result: a superb dish !

? The solution . Standing on the edge of the pool, we place his hands on each other and we stretch our arms very high above the head. We block the head, chin against the chest. Bust down, give a little impulse and let yourself fall into the water. It is thought to keep the legs stretched to the tip of the feet and tighten the buttocks. The trick: to fix the bottom of the basin . And we do not close our eyes.

Instead of refining, my thighs have gained volume with the indoor bike!

? The problem. Opt for a "mountain" circuit consisting of steep climbs and vertiginous descents. It makes the muscles work in resistance. They swell and give us the impression of having poles as tonic legs. But reassure us: this swelling fades a few hours after the sports activity.

? The solution . Create your own course with the manual key. The ideal: a linear and moderate intensity (level 4) allows to strengthen and refine his legs effectively. We pedal at high speed for 45 min minimum to track its curves. Finally, a series of stretches is necessary to release the muscle tension.

Every time I play sports, I have body aches and no physical results!

? The problem. When the muscles are not ground in the effort, it causes small muscle lesions called aches. But by healing, they strengthen the muscle, which allows us the next time to improve our performance.

? The solution. Physical activity regularly to find the pleasure of playing sports. The ideal: sessions of 20 to 60 minutes two to four times a week . Second rule: moderation. We must fight against the urge to go fully.

I resumed jogging and I have a lot of pain in my calves!

? The problem. Running on too hard ground with unsuitable shoes .

? The solution. Before buying your pair of sneakers, consult a podiatrist . A few strides barefoot in his office allow him to check what are the supports (toes or thumb) of the foot during the running and what types of shoes will suit him best.

To protect my brushing, out of the question to put the head under the water when I swim!

? The problem. One is exposed to cervical and lumbar problems , more particularly in breaststroke. Without realizing it, one swims almost vertically, the pelvis following the movement of the neck. Same thing on the back if you get too much chin.

? The solution. Keep your body as flat as possible, horizontally. The good landmark: breaststroke, we have the face directed to the bottom, only the eyes are up. When swimming on the back, keep your ears in the water.