What is eyelash enhancement?

This technique, which is practiced in beauty institutes specializing in the eye, promises us lashes curled at will, without makeup, for several weeks. This is the new version of the eyelash curler , this small utensil that we all have in our make-up case or in a drawer of the bathroom. Except that the raising of eyelashes (if not practiced too often, every 4 months approximately) weakens our eyelashes less. And most importantly, thanks to him it saves time. No need for mascara to have a doe look at the jump of the bed. And for an even deeper look, you can opt for an enhancement of eyelashes dyeing of the eyelashes or posing of semi-permanent mascara.

How does an eyelash enhancement session take place?

Before going on to serious things, the eye care professional who practices the enhancement of the eyelash removes make-up from our eyes . The goal: to remove any residue of mascara. Then, it is a question of evaluating the size of our eyelashes to realize the customized curvature: there are three size, S, M and L for the longest eyelashes.

- Once this stage has been validated, the esthetician sticks our lashes from the bottom (down) using a sticky patch so that they do not interfere with the operation.

- Then it does the same with the top lashes by pressing them upwards thanks to a small curved silicone patch. She then glues the lashes one by one on the patch with a small brush and special glue. It is allowed to take between 15 and 20 minutes according to the length and the thickness of its eyelashes.

The same laying time is then repeated with a product fixing this time.

- Finally, when the delivery comes, the eye care professional removes the lashes from the patches and eliminates any trace of product with physiological serum. Make sure not to wet your eyelashes (with water or with any other product that could cancel the eyelash enhancement) until the next day.

Questions to Ask Before You Get Started

- Is that really for me? Contrary to the micropigmentation of the eyebrows , the raising of eyelashes caters to everyone, whether we have small or large eyelashes, whether we follow mascara or not ...
- How long does it last ? The session lasts about 45 minutes and the effect on our lashes about 3 months .
- Is it painful? You can not really say it hurts but the sensation of the eyelashes is not pleasant . Our eyes come out a bit reddened but they do not bite. The end result is worth it: the eyelashes are naturally curled and applying its mascara in the morning is a breeze: the brush slides on the eyelashes, a single layer is enough and finished the packs!
- Can you make-up and remove make-up normally? The next day, no contraindication to use its usual products, even waterproof makeup .
- How much does it cost ? The lash enhancement alone costs on average 80 € and 90 € with an eyelash tincture .
- The good addresses? In Paris and in the provinces: Le Boudoir du Regard . But more and more independent brands are offering similar services.