Exit t-shirts, jeans and hair. Here is the tie and dye ... For our eyelashes! Nocibé launches a range of mascaras specially designed to open our eyes. Created in limited edition, the Lash & Dye collection includes a Mascara Fanail brush and three double color mascaras. Violet and blue, gold and silver or black and fushia ... Each pair is designed to fit our iris color.

To achieve the effect, apply the dark base to the upper lashes. The Fan Mascara brush allows for greater precision. The eyelashes are sheathed and take on volume. Then apply the light color on the tip to create the tie and dye.

Pep's and colorful, the trend tie and dye puts color on our eyes during the frost ... And can be declined with a more festive make up during the holidays.

To optimally boost our eyes, we choose the right shade :

- For green eyes: purple and blue
- For blue eyes: silver and gold
- For brown eyes: black and fuchsia

The Lash & Dye range will be available in November 2015.