The intestinal ecosystem
The probiotic solution
Probiotics deliver remarkable results
All probiotics are not equal!

The intestinal ecosystem

"Good immunity is only possible if the intestinal ecosystem is functioning properly," explains Danièle Festy , pharmacist. His balance is essential but precarious: poorly managed stress, an unhealthy or poorly tolerated diet , a digestive infection , a transit idle or even some drugs (especially antibiotics) can disrupt it. "Among the bacterial strains squatting our gut, lactobacilli , streptococci and bifidobacteria participate in our defense system. In permanent contact with the outside world (think of all the microbes that we ingest via food), they must defend their territory. "Because if they drop the guard, nature abhorred the void, bad microbes will rush to blow their place, says Dr. Alain Cornic , specialist intestinal flora .

To avoid this tragedy, they occupy the place and secrete antibacterial substances preventing the implantation of other bacteria. "In short, a good intestinal flora ensures grain, raising a powerful barrier between microbes, great energy eaters, and we . But that's not all. Among the bacteria in the flora, some produce B vitamins (essential for energy and well-being) while others have the role of assimilating vitamins and minerals in the diet . A disturbed flora, it is thus "the insurance of a deficiency in micronutrients ", insists Danièle Festy . If, moreover, we eat unbalanced (not enough fruits and vegetables), no wonder we are exhausted.

The probiotic solution

When the flora goes bad, so, everything goes wrong ... Fatigue, weak immunity , tendency to undergo small infections of all types capable of exhausting and rolling the morale of the most optimistic among us: it is perhaps to be the sign that your intestine is suffering. To restore the situation, only one solution, probiotics . We are slowly beginning to understand the benefits of these extraordinary friendly bacteria that, by colonizing our gut, promote both digestion and our immunity . A particularly appreciated help after the holidays, during which the digestive system was made a strong contribution. In addition, it is cold and wet, our valiant flora struggle relentlessly against hordes of microbes. She deserves reinforcement. Not to mention that if you have had antibiotic treatment this winter, they may have been decimated, leaving the door open to microbes waiting for a breach to rush into your inner fortress ...

Probiotics deliver remarkable results

The history of probiotics merges with that of yogurts that actually contain these valuable bacteria. It is said that Bulgarians lived exceptionally long thanks to their consumption of yogurts. But does it really work? Yes. A scientific study (Clinical Nutrition 2005), conducted under the same conditions as for a drug, showed that supplementation with probiotics helped the body recover faster from colds and flus. "The results are remarkable, from the level of those obtained with the specific drugs for the treatment of influenza," says Prof. Schrezenmeir , from the Federal Nutrition Research Center in Kiel, Germany. In fact, probiotics can reduce the symptoms and duration of colds by lowering fever. It is not for nothing that some doctors believe that probiotics could play a role against chronic fatigue !

All probiotics are not equal!

With each bacterial strain (there are hundreds) its property: some help digest , others prevent eczema or protect the genital area (antimycoses). Only a few favor immunity provided that the dosages are sufficient. Hence the need to opt for supplementation whose tablets are composed exactly of the required strains and incomparably more dosed than yogurts and other fermented milks. No need to hope to escape the flu by swallowing yogurt cars, even if they are bifidus. Certainly, they contain probiotics , but in insufficient quantities to regain energy and boost its immunity effectively. As for bottles of lactic ferments (Actimel ...), why not, provided you consume between 2 and 5 per day! The best is still a cure Bion 3 (Merck laboratories), one tablet per day, in course of 30 to 60 days. Try and you'll see !

To read: "Probiotics, it's magic! The miracle of "friendly" bacteria, by Danièle Festy , ed. The Duke.