
  • Homoeo solution. To soothe a stomach maltreated by too heavy food: Antimonium Crudum 4CH, 5 gr. 3 times a day. In case of alcoholic nausea , Nux Vomica 5CH, 5 gr. 3 times a day, fruit of the vomit (Asian tree).
    Already ready. Nux Vomica Complex No. 49 (Lehning), 20 drops in a little water, 3 times / day, or Formula 19 by Abbot Chaupitre.
  • Phyto solutions. Adopt Chrysanthellum Americanum: 4 capsules of 300 mg before the meal, 3 during and 4 at the end of meal , or in herbal tea (Boribel n ° 14). Too late ? It can be taken after, at a rate of 2 capsules 3 times a day. If not, simply drink an infusion of basil leaves, peppermint and rosemary.
  • Aroma solution. Pour 2 drops of peppermint essential oil on a tissue and breathe deeply. Want to throw up ? Breathe with ginger. Caution: Ginger can interact, especially with anticoagulants and drugs for diabetics.


  • Homoeo solution. To calm diarrhea : 5 gr. of Arsenicum Album 5 CH, 3 times a day, or 20 drops of Geranium Complex No. 108 (Lehning). The "trick" in addition: pour the contents of a packet of green clay powder in a large glass of water. Let stand several hours. If there is urgency, drink the clay water right away.
  • Aroma solution. 2 drops of oregano essential oil at the end of each meal.
  • Phyto solution. Drink all day alternating well-infused black tea and herbal tea loosestrife or bramble leaves.