Useful or not?
These three fatty acids are excellent for our heart : omega 6s increase good cholesterol at the expense of the bad and regulate the heartbeat; omega 9 also reduces bad cholesterol; as for omega 3 , they fluidify the blood , decreasing the risk of atherosclerosis, and limit the disorders of the cardiac rhythm . They increase our resistance to stress and prevent depression and Alzheimer's disease.

Where to find them?
Omega 3 are very present in fatty fish (sardines, herrings ...) and in rapeseed oil . Omegas 6 hide in sunflower oils, wheat germ and nuts , eggs , meat . Finally, omega 9 is found mainly in olive oil , but also in avocados, oleaginous fruits and duck breast .

The right dose.
It is recommended to consume every day 2 g of omega 3 and 10 g of omega 6, or 150 g of oily fish and 1.5 tablespoon of wheat germ oil . With these portions, one respects, in addition, the good balance between omega 3 and 6 (a portion of the first for 5 portions of the second). When it is in excess, it neutralizes the effects of omega 3. As for omega 9, there are no recommendations because a balanced diet is enough to cover our needs.

And food supplements?
Currently, our diet often brings us too much omega 6 (12 g instead of 10 g), so it is better to opt for supplements consisting only of omega 3 . The right rhythm: a cure of 3 months once or twice a year.
Thanks to Magali Crois-Roig, dietician.

Did you know ?
Smoked fish lose their omega 3s. They are also too salty and the smoking processes load them with toxic substances.