How much time do you have to choose your outfit for a job interview or an important business meeting? A half hour ? One hour ? Two? No matter what, remember that you probably spend more time preparing your outfit than preparing the appointment.

Whether you believe it or not, people generally judge others about how they dress. Shakaila Forbes-Bell, creator and editor-in-chief of The Psychology of Fashion , says it only takes one tenth of a second to make an impression of someone.

"It's impossible for anyone to know your tastes, passions, and dreams in one-tenth of a second. So what is happening at this moment? In fact, it's your clothes that speak for you, revealing some of your personality and social status, "she explains.

If the pace is paramount, it is the colors that we decide to wear that have the most importance. Shakaila assures that "the color of a garment reveals the psychosocial traits of a person".

Here are the colors to wear so that the first impression is the right one.

Source: MC UK

1/3 Black
Wear black

By studying the case of the black color, Damhorst and Reed investigated the case of men and women participating in a job interview. Result? Women wearing dark colors such as black were found to be more competent and adroit than those wearing light colors. According to several tests, the color black is also associated with power, intelligence and domination, assuming that it is ideal when one wants to be perceived as a figure of authority.

2/3 Blue
Wear blue
The Good Wife

According to several tests, the blue is associated with the terms "security", "comfort" and "tenderness". It is rumored that the navy blue would be the most popular shade, especially for the choice of color of ties of these gentlemen and for the outfits worn by political figures.

Entrepreneurs working in the fashion industry are encouraged to slip blue in their brand logo, which has the effect of increasing confidence in the brand and making it appear more qualitative in the eyes of the business. customer.

3/3 Pink
Wear pink
The revenge of a blonde

A psychological study conducted by Veronika Koller in 2008 shows that the majority of individuals now associate the pink color with independence and post-feminist femininity, evoking strength and progress. However, the theory of researchers Adam and Galinsky suggests that wearing a color that you associate with a message or a symbolic, will have the effect of embodying these attributes. QED.

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