There are mornings when you get up more anxious than others, where you do not have time to spend several minutes choosing your outfit for the day. So, we put what comes to hand, without paying any attention to the coordination of our outfit. We know that we should plan what we will wear the day before for the next day, but doing everything at the last moment often seems more tempting.

If this kind of situation remains unpleasant, can it have a real impact on our health, as provoke situations of deep anxiety? Our sisters of MC UK put the question to Jo Hemmings, psychologist and expert in social behaviors.

Why are we anxious when we get dressed in the morning?

And his answer is surprising. According to her, whether for Netflix series or clothes, it is never good to be faced with too much choice.

"When we have too many choices, it is possible to feel an excess of panic or anxiety. This is called the paradox of choice. Whether for the TV channel to watch, the partner to adopt, the brand of grain to buy or the way you decide to dress in the morning, the abundance of choice is proven to be a source of anxiety for the future. 'being human,' she explains.

"Instead of being relieved by the range of choice we have at our disposal, we panic. Conversely, a lighter wardrobe is ideal to feel satisfied and less anxious, "she says.

Credit: Freaky Friday / Walt Disney Pictures

How to dress effectively without anxiety?

"If you are a shopaholic, there are many ways to feel less stressed about the crucial choice of the day's outfit. Step one: Organize your wardrobe by color or type of clothing. For example, put on pants with pants, skirts with skirts, and dresses with dresses. Once the sartorial sections are distinct, organize them by color. Thus, when you choose your outfit in the morning, it will require very little effort to your brain, which will mechanically know where is this or that garment. Another way to free yourself: store winter parts elsewhere in summer, and vice versa. Same for those you have not put in years. And if you regret, you can always go get them. But in the meantime, it will help you to see more clearly, "she says.

And when we talk about planning her look the night before, maybe that's something you should start doing, according to Jo Hemmings' advice.

"Oh why seems obvious, but choose your outfits in advance will help you feel less hurried in the morning and less anxious. Prepare your look from A to Z and if you change your mind, do not be distracted at the last moment! "

Source: MC UK