Do you know matcha? This millenary green tea is full of therapeutic virtues, and is becoming more and more followers. A "matcha-café" has even opened its doors in Paris. Good for body and mind, matcha is available at will in sweet or salty version. Decryption of an almost "magic" food that you may succumb to.

The ancestral origins of matcha tea

China and the Song Dynasty are credited with inventing powdered matcha tea itself. It was not until the 12th century that this type of tea appeared in Japan. In the sixteenth century, it was fully integrated into Japanese culture when the tea master Sen no Rikyu designated it as the tea to use during Chanoyu, the Japanese tea ceremony.

To obtain this green powder almost fluorescent, it is necessary to cut young shoots of tencha (three weeks before harvest time), steam them to keep the chlorophyll and then in an oven to dry, before reduce them to a fine powder ("matcha") between two stone wheels. To consume it, simply mix this powder in water at 70 ° C and mix with a bamboo whisk (or energetically with a small spoon).

Almost magical virtues

If the matcha seduces so much it is full of therapeutic properties. Psychologically and physiologically, matcha detoxifies our body in many ways.

  • Green tea in general (so the matcha) is a very good drainer, thanks in part to the chlorophyll it contains.
  • Matcha acts as an antioxidant and allows a better cell renewal: an amazing anti-aging!
  • Thanks to the L-theanine it contains, the matcha tea allows to relax effectively. But that's not all: it also boosts concentration and good mood.
  • Matcha can also boost your immune system.
  • Matcha is finally a real alternative to coffee when it comes to boosting energy!

Matcha tea in all its states

If it is traditionally consumed as a hot drink (a little thick), matcha tea comes in different forms and especially different uses. Thus, it can be enjoyed in various pastries, ice cream or even salty version. Recipes good for health but especially in taste!

Its virtues have pushed the creators of cosmetics to incorporate it into some of their preparations. Creams of care, soaps, body scrubs: matcha is consumed in all forms! So ready to test?

The good adress ?

To drink, discover and taste the matcha tea:

Umami Paris - Matcha Cafe

22 rue Béranger - 75 003 PARIS

Or on the website