A sore throat is not necessarily synonymous with angina . It can be caused by a banal nasopharyngitis , whose secretions irritate the pharynx, by laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) or irritation due to coughing fits of bronchitis, for example.

True angina results in a sudden increase in the volume of the tonsils and acute pain in the entire throat. It begins with scratching, then generates fever, difficulty swallowing and sometimes even ganglia in the neck.

Red Throat: Do not Rush About Antibiotics

In more than 80% of cases, the culprit is a virus . To defeat it, it is better to let our immune system fend for itself. Only a few tonsillitis result from a bacterial infection, often a streptococcus A that must be curbed with antibiotics.

Poorly cared for, they can induce complications: abscess, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiac disorders ... The only way to determine whether the angina is of viral or bacterial origin is to perform a rapid diagnostic test (StreptoTest). Pharmacists are again eligible to perform this test since August 2016, but few actually do. It is therefore often necessary to go through the doctor box.

Itchy throat: soothe irritation

Many lozenges and sprays soften the throat and reduce inflammation. Some even contain a local anesthetic (lidocaine) that relieves severe pain. To accelerate healing, you can also use honey.

An Israeli study, published in August 2012 in the journal Pediatrics, showed that 10 g of honey before going to bed was more effective than a classic syrup against sore throat.

Another option is tea tree essential oil, which soothes inflammation of the ENT sphere. "Swallow 2 drops in a teaspoon of olive oil 3x / d for 7 days," advises aromatherapist Thierry Folliard, author of "Petit Larousse des Oils essentielle".

How to calm hoarseness?

When the vocal chords are affected, the voice derails and becomes duller. To speak as little as possible is then the best solution, if not the extinction of voices .

In order for the mucous membranes of the back of the throat to recover as quickly as possible, keep them well hydrated: drink at least 1.5 l of water a day, warm if possible, and moisten the rooms in your house.

Of course, ban tobacco and alcohol as they irritate and dry out. If hoarseness is important, take herbal tea marshmallow root: "they contain a mucilage protector that soothes laryngitis and pharyngitis," says the herbalist Caroline Gayet, author of the Pocket Guide herbal medicine (ed Leduc.s). A c to c for 25 cl of boiling water. Let infuse 10 minutes then filter before drinking. And if you are speechless, opt for the erysimum (or chanter's weed) as professional singers (VoxyTabs of Naturactive or Activox of Arkopharma).

Check if your throat swells a lot, if your neck becomes stiff and your jaw contracted. Or if, in the child, sudden rashes arise (risk of scarlet fever).