First chills, first sneezing: do not wait for the cold to set in. Our practical advice to prevent and treat the small ailments of autumn and winter.

Prevent colds with aromatherapy

Dilute two drops of EO (essential oil) of ravintsara in a teaspoon of honey that you will melt in your mouth twice a day. Anti-infectious, antiviral, antibacterial, booster of the immune system, it is a must in your pharmacy in winter.

You can accentuate the benefits by adding, always on a spoon of honey , a drop of tea tree tea, antiviral and antiseptic, which you drink twice a day in thyme tea.

If you feel febrile, provided you do not have sensitive skin, you can massage a drop of EO of ravintsara between your wrists at the end of the day.

Treat the cold beginner

To reduce runny nose, stop gulp sneezing and prevent colds from setting in, prepare an inhalation with three drops of EO of radiated eucalyptus with antiviral, fluidifying and expectorant properties. If you do not have an inhaler, put the HE in a bowl of very hot water, but not boiling, wait a minute before positioning your face over the vapors, a clean towel on the head, and breathe deeply. Previously, you will have cleaned your sinuses with a spray of seawater to limit the proliferation of microbes (recommended before any inhalation).

You can also melt four times a day a neutral tablet or sugar on which you have poured a drop of EO of radiated eucalyptus.

If you are not home, for a decongestant effect, inhale three drops of EO of eucalyptus radish on a tissue or massage a drop on each wing of the nose.

Fight against the cold (already) installed

When the sinuses are clogged, the niaouli HE, antibacterial, antiviral and expectorant, releases the engorged airways and increases the immune defenses. Breathe five to six times a day five drops of EO of niaouli on a tissue paper relieves. But the most effective method is the synergy of three drops of EO of niaouli, three drops of EO of eucalyptus radish and two drops of EO of peppermint (astringent, it allows to tighten the mucosa, unclog the nasal duct and avoid superinfection) inhaled three times daily for three days.

A massage of the neck, chest and upper back with five drops of EO of niaouli incorporated in sweet almond oil helps to clear the winter viruses.

Aromatherapy against sore throat

Tingling, gene to swallow. To prevent the sore throat from degenerating, take three drops of tea tree tea three to four times a day in a teaspoon of honey. You can also melt a cup of simmering water in which you add 1/2 lemon.

Lemon EO is also effective at fighting bacteria, boosting the immune system and activating white blood cell production. The association honey / two drops of lemon HE has also proved its worth.

HE to relieve a burning throat

Thymol thyme oil, antibacterial broad-spectrum action, antimicrobial, antiviral, reserved for adults, acts effectively on the respiratory system and soothes sore throat. Five times a day, dilute two drops in a teaspoonful of honey. You can also melt it in a hot drink.

Friction in the throat and neck to the base of the skull and ears, three drops of Thyme tea diluted in a tablespoon of sweet almond oil provide a feeling of well-being.

In gargle, a drop of HE of thyme in a glass of hot water three times a day for three days calms the painful throats.

Avoid family contamination and the proliferation of germs

To avoid the proliferation of microbes and eliminate germs when a family member is affected, opt for a nebulized diffuser. The cold process does not alter the therapeutic benefits of the HE. Choice: eucalyptus radish, Scots pine, lemon, lavender.

Reminder to use essential oils

Essential oils are not recommended for children under 12 years and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Avoid going out after inhalation to avoid exposure to pollution. Avoid eating or drinking for 15 minutes after taking oral HE.