In a century, sugar consumption per person per year has increased by about 30 kilograms, in other words, a lot. No wonder, since 40% of the products we eat contain it. And every day, a Frenchman consumes on average 70 grams of sugar.

What consequences do these eating habits have on our body? How to slow down sugar consumption? We asked Valérie Espinasse, author of the book J'arrête le sucre!

What are the effects of sugar on our body?

If sugar is not strictly speaking "bad" for the body, it is essential to consume it in moderation.

Sweet, but addictive substance, consumed too much sugar creates a feeling of "need" within the body.

Sufficient consumption of sugar certainly delight our taste buds, but beware, it causes mostly a drop in energy in our body and digestive disorders. In addition, it is also the cause of addictive eating behavior.

In the long term, the risks of diabetes and overweight are very high.

The different profiles of sugar "addicts"

  • The emotional profile

It concerns all people who consume sugar, often in excess, in a compulsive or even bulimic way.

In this case, the consumption of sugar appears as a form of compensation soothing and comforting. A sugar call usually related to a stressful situation or a more or less intense emotional event.

Whose fault is it ? Chronic stress. Consequence: the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone, increases and disrupts the balance of neuromediators, substances produced by the brain. Among these neuromediators: serotonin, happiness hormone. And to be secreted, serotonin needs sugar. Only problem? As cortisol increases, serotonin decreases, so your body needs more sugar.

  • The hormonal profile

It concerns women who, a few days before their period or during the menopause, feel a strong desire for sweetness. Indeed, at the end of the cycle, in some women, progesterone falls much more brutally than in others. A phenomenon that causes a drop in blood sugar responsible for sugar cravings.

This is also related to a neuromediator disorder, resulting in a decrease in serotonin production, as for the emotional profile.

Finally at menopause, hormonal changes are also linked to the gradual decline of progesterone and serotonin. And psychic side, the fall of serotonin can lead to a lower morale more or less strong, resulting in sugar impulses, even binge eating.

  • The digestive profile

It concerns those who consume sugar for pleasure. Those who love all sugars, from the most natural ones like fruits, to the most chemical ones like sweets.

The problem is that this excess sugar causes problems in the intestinal flora. Consequences: transit disorders, bloating, spasms, etc.

Moreover, when the yeast content (substances present on the surface of the flora and responsible for the cohesion of the intestinal cells) is too high, the body reaches the stage of digestive candiose, having as a first consequence the need to eat sugar. in quantity and permanently.

How to reduce your consumption?

If you have an "emotional profile": for a month, remove the gluten from the diet.

Opt for an English breakfast, and therefore more consistent, with: a portion of protein, a portion of starchy foods, a fruit, and a hot drink without sugar.

For lunch, prefer a protein starter, followed by a dish with a portion of protein and a portion of vegetables. What you can add a small portion of starchy and a light dessert (white yogurt or compote) if the feeling of hunger is still present.

Place to taste, mandatory for this profile! It consists of a compote and a square of dark chocolate or a fruit and a white yoghurt.

Finally for dinner, the meal will be light and composed of a small starter (soup or raw vegetables), a dish based on legumes, pasta or rice (gluten free) and cooked or raw vegetables. Dessert should be avoided, but if you can not do without it, opt for a square of chocolate or a fruit, or a simple herbal tea.

If one has a "hormonal profile": Divided into two parts, this food program is to begin at the end of the rules. For menopausal women, the program only concerns the second part. The first part of the program, during the first 15 days, is intended to limit the impact of PMS. As for the second part, the last 15 days, it aims to limit sugar impulses and water retention.

The first 15 days, the breakfasts are quite complete: a soy yoghurt, a fruit salad, 15 unsalted almonds and a hot drink without added sugar.

For lunch, opt for an entree based on raw vegetables, a dish made of meat or fish, accompanied with cooked or raw vegetables, and a slice of wholemeal bread. And if one can not resist the call of dessert, favor for a fruit.

Afternoon tea, if necessary, consists of a hot drink (tea or coffee), and a fruit.

Finally, for dinner, we opt for a soup or a plate of raw vegetables. A dish made with fish and vegetables cooked or raw, or rice, pasta or quinoa, accompanied by a portion of vegetables. For dessert, avoid fruits in favor of a yogurt of soy, a square of dark chocolate accompanied by an herbal tea.

For the last 15 days, we change some habits.

For breakfast: a avocado, accompanied by a slice of ham, turkey breast or smoked salmon, with a hot drink (coffee or tea, always) without added sugar.

Then, as a starter for lunch, a small portion of fish. The dish consists of a meat or a fish with as many cooked vegetables as you want.

To taste it, which is obligatory, we base ourselves on about twenty almonds accompanied by tea or herbal tea.

Finally, for dinner, we choose some grilled vegetables or a lentil salad starter, quinoa and fish or quinoa and vegetables cooked for the main course, and for dessert (which is still to avoid) , a soy yogurt and some almonds.

Note that during these 4 weeks, cow's milk and its derivatives (yogurt, cottage cheese, dessert cream) are eliminated. Beyond the fact that milk contains sugar, it influences its sugar consumption, which tends to be excessive.

If you have a "digestive profile": as for the two previous programs, this program lasts 4 weeks.

However, for more results, it is best to continue the micro-nutrition protocol for 3 months.

For breakfast, we opt for a portion of protein, a portion of cereals without gluten, and a hot drink (tea or coffee) without added sugar.

The lunches are light. For example, the entrance consists of a lawyer, or a fish, or a little mozzarella with tomatoes. For the main course, opt for a small portion of protein (meat or fish), and a portion of raw or cooked vegetables.

In case of little hunger, we resist the cakes in favor of a natural yogurt (with stevia if necessary) and a hot drink without added sugar.

For dinner, nothing new: soup, raw vegetables or an avocado input; crustaceans, a slice of ham or smoked salmon, accompanied by some vegetables for the main course; with finally a herbal tea without sugar and a square of dark chocolate for the dessert.