Principle of this slimming method
Program to respect to refine during the night
Typical menus

Principle of this slimming method

Who has not dreamed of losing his extra kilos while sleeping ... without moving a finger? Well know that slim down at night, it is possible! The study of the human body has revealed the existence of biorhythms that regulate our biological life by regular cycles . These activities are not the same day and night. That is why it is important to respect the needs of our organization to bring him just what he needs and avoid the slippage , sometimes terrible for our line.

Lose weight without a diet, just by sleeping

To lose weight while sleeping , eat a small amount at dinner . In fact, when you eat too much at night, the surplus food is stored directly in our fat cells . Therefore, it is better to ingest proteins that our body can not store, in order to force him to draw the 500 calories he needs at night (especially to maintain our body temperature) in our reserves .

Of course, the weight loss that occurs at night, during our sleep, is effective only with a healthy diet during other meals. That's why Dr. LP Martinez offers 'menu types' to be discovered later in this article.

Program to respect to refine during the night

The method of Dr. LP Martinez for slimming in sleep is composed of two parts :

- The first, the phase of slimming , imposes a precise food program. So to start your day, you must have a solid breakfast of slow sugars so that your body can get the energy it needs to raise its temperature to 37 ° C (it is 36 ° C at night) . Flakes of oats must be present in this meal.

At lunch , eliminate starchy foods such as potatoes, rice or pasta as well as foods rich in carbohydrates such as sweet desserts like mille-feuilles, paris-brest ... All that is not to exceed the calorie count swallowed in the morning .

At dinner, choose light meals made mainly from proteins

If a dinner is planned while you practice this minor method, rest assured, two 'gaps' are allowed per week provided they do not follow each other. In case of small food impulses , try to hold them until morning . Swallowed before 10 am, sugary foods will not have a bad impact on your line. If you're used to tasting at 4 pm, reserve a liquid protein meal replacement or a golden apple with a light sugar-free drink .

- The second, the stabilization phase , will allow you to not take back the kilos eliminated until then. It is always built on the same principle : a good breakfast, a normal and balanced lunch and a light dinner. However you can now reintroduce carbohydrate foods (starch type) at noon. These are still banned in the evening but if you happen to swallow in large enough quantity, realize the next day a protein or vegetarian diet .

Efficiency and duration

During the first phase, the weight loss is 1 to 2 kilos per week , or 4 to 8 kilos after one month. It is to be repeated until the ideal weight is reached.

Typical menus


A good breakfast , if it is well composed, avoids a 'blow of pump' in the middle of the morning. It must therefore be composed of very slow cereals , with very little fast sugar. The ideal menu of spring, for accompanied the program " lose weight during his sleep " must contain:

- a bowl of oatmeal with milk

- a natural yoghurt

- a small portion of strawberries (the equivalent of a cup) flavored with a little stevia, whose leaves have a sweet and non-caloric taste and whose sweetness is 200 to 300 times greater than that of regular sugar .

- 1 hot drink (tea, coffee, herbal tea or bitter chocolate powder) with a single piece of sugar

This example of menus can be taken again throughout the year. Simply replace the fruits with those of the season concerned. So you will favor two small apricots in summer, a small bunch of grapes in autumn and an orange pressed in winter.

At lunch

Even if your desire to lose weight is very strong , it is still necessary to eat well at noon. If you have eaten a decent breakfast, then choose a sugar-free lunch (fast and slow), do not take dessert other than a fruit and eliminate starchy foods and cereals. Here is a lunch idea:

- Fresh radish with salt croque

- Langoustines with mashed broccoli *

- Strawberry and raspberry salad with orange *

Each lunch menu must consist of a portion of protein (meat) accompanied by a portion of vegetables and a fruit for dessert.

At dinner

Choose a small portion of very light vegetables as a starter. As a main course, take a high protein meal substitute (commercially available as drinking bricks, cups and powder for reconstitution) and finish with a fruit or fruit salad. Here is a typical example:

- tomato and basil cucumber salad *

- 1 protein meal replacement

- 1 melon

* Recipes available in the book Slimming while sleeping , by Dr. Laurent Philip Martinez, published by Albin Michel