A hearty meal and well watered, a shortened night. You wake up tired, the head is stewed and the pasty mouth ... Here it is, the famous hangover which, in reality, is nothing but dehydration (4 glasses of alcohol lead to the loss of 1 liter of liquid in the body). Added to this is abnormally low blood glucose when awakening: the liver has less ensured to eliminate.

How to defeat a hangover?

Who drank will drink ! To rehydrate , nothing better than fresh fruit juice and green tea. Even better than water, they have the advantage of providing the body with anti-oxidants that strengthen the liver. To drink at will throughout the day.

Bye bye the nausea , we opt for aromatherapy with 2 drops of essential oil of fennel and 2 drops of essential oil of juniper in inhalation. In homeopathy , choose Nux vomica 4 CH Absinthium 4 CH: 3 granules every 5 minutes alternately.

We do not soften! At the exit of the bed, one attacks with some stretching and some deep inspirations to tone the body. And we prepare a tonic morning infusion: a pinch of basil leaves, rosemary, thyme and savory in 1/2 l of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes, then add the juice of 1/2 lemon. We sugar with honey if necessary.

We oxygenate ourselves . A short jog, a great walk ... to oxygenate, there is no more effective against headaches and to replenish your energy. And, above all, remember to drink well throughout your effort, because dehydration is still waiting! Do not worry about chemical stimulants or coffee to "hold": they excite and tire more than anything else.

Detox express to recover after an evening too watered

Breakfast. Honey and wholemeal bread to raise blood sugar, ham or scrambled eggs. After a well-watered evening, proteins work wonders, it's proven!
At lunch. Lean meat, whole grains (always for blood glucose) and green leafy vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, artichoke) are excellent liver stimulants.
The evening. We continue to hydrate his body! We drink an herbal tea and we go to bed early with a warm hot water bottle in the liver: it acts as a liver stimulant and it feels good to our body!

To read: "Good tips detox", Helen Foster, Marabout, coll. The Minis Sante.