Beme, the social network of the "really self"

Easy to embellish our lives on social networks ! Photos, videos, geolocation ... with the well thought-out parameters of Instagram , Pinterest , Twitter or Facebook , you can improve everything in one or two clicks. As a result, we only show on social networks what we want to show: a filtered and retouched version of ourselves. To put an end to this reality that he believes biased, the American and youtube star Casey Neistat , launches his own social network: Beme . A kind of snapchat that intends to return to more authenticity.

With Beme , finished filters and other settings for instant retouching. "To make people stop broadcasting a polished, calibrated and improved version of themselves on social networks, and get back to reality," Casey Neistat explains in the presentation video of the application posted on its channel Youtube .

Beme: How does this new social network work?

No way to cheat with Beme : hide the screen of his phone to be able to take pictures and videos. The functioning of this social network does not allow to see the rendering of what one is filming, nor to see it before sending it. And as on Snapchat, our community of Beme friends can watch our videos only once. This way of doing things does not leave room for distortion of reality, much as was the case with our old disposable cameras.

On Beme as on Twitter , we can follow anyone. But for now, the application is only available on iOS , the iPhone operating system.