Shopping online on Twitter ... the principle is simple. And above all, it is a first !

The principle: the US online giant Amazon online post tweets containing links to Amazon products for sale.
If an article interests us? We reply to the post, on Twitter with the hashtasg #AmazonCart . Result: the order slips directly into our shopping cart, on .
Only condition already have an account on the online trading platform.

The purchase on Twitter , a feature that currently only exists in the United States and the UK with the respective hashtags #AmazonCart and #AmazonBasket . 2 countries where the online commerce market is a tobacco: 48.2 million Americans and 13.6 million Britons are net actors (according to eMarketer).
The expansion of this service is already planned in other European countries.

Buying in a tweet, soon in France? Possible since Amazon failing to pay its taxes in France already owns 4 warehouses of distribution .