A snitch!

Pointing our dietary gaps, our cholesterol reflects our diet, often too high in fat. Result: 30% of the population would have too high cholesterol , higher than 2 g / l.

The hormonal chart

"Women are affected differently," says Claire Mounier-Vehier , a cardiologist at the University Hospital of Lille and vice-president of the association HTA Vasc *. "There is a hormonal correlation, she continues, girls on pill should, for example, pay attention. Then the natural hormones protect up to about 35 years and, at menopause, the risk becomes again equivalent to that of men. How to protect yourself? First by watching his plate. Because cholesterol is fat made by the liver and brought by food. When there is too much, it is deposited on the walls of the arteries and especially those of the heart or brain , resulting in a greater risk of "plug".

Goal -15%

"Dietary changes can lower cholesterol levels by 10 to 15 percent," says the cardiologist. First reflex: reduce the consumption of fats of animal origin (charcuterie, butter, cheese, offal, eggs, crustaceans ...). Because all fats are not equal. "It is better to favor poly or monounsaturated fats (rapeseed oils, walnuts, grape seeds, oily fish ...)," added Nathalie Vernet , a dietitian from the HTA Vasc association. The cholesterol-lowering recipes are therefore particularly attractive to vegetables, poultry and fish , and they use little fat, always selected for their unsaturated fatty acid content with protective effects on the arteries. Finally, the practice of a physical activity becomes indispensable , insists the dietician. What matters is the regularity: 30 minutes of brisk walking a day (or twice 15 minutes or 3 times 10 minutes). "

book cover Recipes for cholesterol A book to adopt

No need to wait for cholesterol to eat healthy. With these recipes concocted with a minimum of fat, we put all the chances on our plate not to clog our arteries. On the menu: lots of vegetables, fruits, fish and lean meats. Not sad, and in color, these recipes are devilishly envy. Cholesterol recipes, Chef Marabout, 119 p., 6,95 €.

To discover also: 3 anti-cholesterol gourmet recipes!

Zucchini croquettes and tomato salad with mint

Cabbage leaves stuffed with pork

Ginger and citrus fish flakes