Respect his sleep cycles

To sleep well, it is important to listen to your body clock. The essential thing is not to count the hours of sleep, or to persist in following an arbitrary quota: everyone does not need eight hours of sleep. Depending on his age, his pace of life or his metabolism, some will be satisfied much less, while others, on the contrary, will have to sleep nine or ten hours. On the other hand, we must respect the periods of falling asleep and waking. In other words, if you fall tired at 22:30, no need to fight. Also, in the morning, avoid lying in bed when awake. And most importantly, if possible, keep this pace all week, including weekends. In the long run, the body regulates itself: you will fall asleep quickly, with the certainty of a night of uninterrupted sleep.

secrets of a good sleep

Watch his diet at night

A very rich meal, fat or spicy, works the body, which must release energy to facilitate digestion. Of course, this state is not conducive to falling asleep. To sleep well, it is better to avoid heavy meat and pastries at dinner. Start the meal about three hours before going to bed. Choose soups or cooked vegetables that are easy to digest. But be careful, make sure to eat to your full satisfaction, otherwise you will wake up in the middle of the night with a feeling of craving! Finally, in the evening, avoid the excitants like coffee or black tea. Replace with verbena or chamomile tea.

secret to sleep well

Play sports

Studies on chronobiology have shown that the end of the day is the best time to practice a sporting activity. At around 18h, body temperature and metabolic activity increase: this is the ideal time to ask the body to produce sustained physical effort. At the end of this sport session, the body regains its tone: you can enjoy your evening. When you go to bed, the muscles are relaxed, the whole body is relaxed: you are guaranteed a good night's sleep.

secrets to sleep better

Turn off screens

The exciting effect of animated images is no longer to prove. Watching a movie just before falling asleep is therefore to be avoided. Also, avoid carrying your tablet or phone in bed. Prefer a good book, or enjoy the evening to chat with your loved ones. Finally, if you have electronic devices in the room, be sure to turn them off completely before going to bed. The simple flickering of a small electric LED can disrupt the rhythm of sleep.

secrets to sleep