We know that sleep is the key to a successful day.

Here are 15 bad sleep habits that, once corrected, will make you sleep like a baby.

  • You track down your sleep

Bracelet connected to the wrist, your first reflex each morning is to watch your sleep cycle.

"You do not need a sleep tracker to know if you slept well," said Matt Leve, an American physiotherapist. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), just sleep between 7 and 9 am to be in good health. Beware, daytime sleepiness and the need to drink coffee on awakening are tangible proof of lack of sleep!

  • You use pillows only under your head

This advice may seem absurd: use your pillows to relieve the pressure points of your body during the night. For example, if you sleep on your back, place one under your knees to reduce pressure on your back. Do you prefer to sleep on one side? Place a pillow between your legs, this will help your spine to stay upright!

  • You sleep on your stomach.

Sleeping on your stomach is definitely the worst position for your body! Explanations: In this position, you have to turn your face to one side or the other to breathe, which twists your spine and can eventually cause neck pain. And as it is difficult to fight against his reflexes (even more when you sleep), experts recommend a barbaric technique to overcome: just slide a tennis ball under his pajama top in the abdomen and you'll never want to go back!

  • You drink alcohol at dinner

It's hard to imagine a drink of rum before putting on your pajamas. Be that as it may, avoid alcohol at all costs during the hours before bedtime! If a slight feeling of drowsiness is felt initially, alcohol prevents you from having a peaceful sleep! And if you go out, prefer to drink your glasses in the early evening and take a break an hour before returning!

  • You do not go to bed at a fixed time

Monday night, you fell asleep at 9:30 pm after a fitness session a little too intense. Tuesday, it was rather around 2am that you finally closed your eyes, because you had to finish the season of your favorite series on Netflix! Stop! To have a good rhythm of life, you have to go to bed at a fixed time, so that the body creates automatisms.

  • You catch up on your sleep at the weekend

You chase the sleepless nights the week and make greasy mornings on weekends? Know it, it is useless! Worse, recent studies tend to show that lack of sleep is responsible for permanent damage to the brain, and weekend "binge-sleep" can not fix them!

  • You eat just before sleeping

Falling asleep with a full stomach is synonymous with complicated nighttime! You may be bothered by heartburn according to a study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. The key ? Do not eat anything for at least three hours before going to bed!

  • You prefer soft pillows

You and your pillow is a great love story! Its softness and its softness lead you towards the confines of the nocturnal happiness ... Your back less! Because yes, according to specialists, an ideal pillow lifts your head and keeps your back straight. If you do not want to get rid of your favorite cushion, you can still use it for your knees (see point 2).

  • You sleep in a fetal position

For the same reasons as in point 3, immediately give up this habit of sleeping in a fetal position. Better to relax his limbs spreading all the way. And if it's stronger than you, force yourself to fall asleep in another position: the first hours of the night will be at least beneficial!

  • Your bedding is the same for 20 years

Your mattress dates from your years? It's time to change! Good bedding is the starting point for a pleasant night's sleep: change your mattress every 10 years and choose good materials! Same thing with the "lingerie": soft sheets of cotton or other natural fibers, favor the peaceful nights, contrary to the synthetic fabrics which do not evacuate the sweat.

  • Your smartphone sleeps with you

You love him, certainly, and you live together a passionate relationship? However, your Smartphone should not sleep in your bed! Especially because of the screens that trigger nervous stimuli in your eyes and create retinal persistence, which prevents you from sleeping.

Not to mention the waves of which we do not really know the effects, and the dangers related to the object itself! Indeed, recently, a young English girl was burned at the third degree while falling asleep on her phone in charge: to say that she had to spend a complicated night.

  • You sleep in the light of the lampposts

The human being is not programmed to sleep with light! Light rays, even through closed eyelids, prevent the brain from fully resting. For a peaceful night and a deep sleep, choose the complete black! And if your blinds are in bad shape, try the sleep mask.

  • You like that it is very hot in your room

Your little pleasure when you slip under your comforter? Make it a tropical heat in the room! Well, it's a mistake. A study has shown that it is necessary to keep an average temperature between 12 ° C and 24 ° C! After, choose a duvet according to your convenience to have enough heat!

  • You share your bed with your pet

Last but not least, you do not share your bed with anyone, especially your pet! Recent studies show that the presence of Medor deconcentrates sleep. So we invest in a basket and in dressage classes and we finally enjoy his bed!

source: marieclaire.com