We support all day, it's used! Back at home, you put your spine straight by practicing these yoga postures. Ideal to regain comfort and get rid of back pain durably.

I make the bridge to soften my back

Lying on the back, legs bent, feet parallel and apart from the width of the hips, heels as close as possible to the glutes. The back is lifted slowly, then the ankles are grabbed by resting on the shoulders. 1 min

I relax with the fish

To achieve this posture (our picture), we lie on our backs, legs joined, flex feet, we place his hands flat next to each other under the buttocks, elbows close to the body. By leaning on them, one raises the bust. We tilt the top of the skull back to the ground. 1 min.

The cat's posture to oxygenate me

On all fours, arms and thighs parallel, one expires head down rounding the back and digging the chest. Then we inspire by straightening our head and arching our backs. 6 times.

I stretch my back with the standing clamp

Standing, feet together, we inhale by stretching our arms above our heads. We grow by pushing our feet into the ground. We expire by tilting forward right back. We grab the ankles from the back, we bend our elbows to lengthen the back by approaching the front of the knees as much as possible. We stand up by unrolling the vertebra back vertebra. 1 min.

I unlock it: the boat

Lying on her stomach, arms outstretched in front of her, her forehead and pubis flat on the floor, legs joined tight. You raise your arms horizontally and your head in the extension of the back, palms of the hands facing each other, and you raise your outstretched legs by contracting the abs. We breathe three times, then we place the closed fists under the belly, head turned on one side, ear on the ground. 1 min.

I straight up my back with the twist

Seated, back straight, left leg crossed over the right, left foot on the ground against the right knee. The arms are stretched upwards by turning the upper body to the left. Then the right arm pushes the left knee to accentuate the torsion. Left hand on the ground behind the left buttock, you turn your head to the left to look behind you. 1 min. Same thing on the other side.

To learn more, "Yoga Zero blabla", a fun book and accessible to all. From Dominique Casaux, illustrations Dominique Archambault, ed. Marabout.