Sensual color par excellence, the red is one of the most requested colorations today. Venetian red with soft golden hues, flamboyant mahogany red ... The key to a successful red coloring is to choose the right tones, in keeping with its complexion and its basic color.

Choose your red color

In any case, we say no to the uniform colors that weigh down the hairstyle and we put on a sweep that will give movement to our hair through a play of reflections.

  • On a naturally red base: I enhance the flamboyant effect of my natural color through a sweep in copper and gold tones. The goal? Bring depth to my hair and relief to my haircut .
  • On a basis ranging from blond to light brown: I put on a soft dye in the reds venetian or Irish red, especially if I have fair skin! If this is my first red color, I entrust my hair to a colorist to avoid forgetting a wick that would reveal the deception ...
  • On a base of brown: I chose an intense red: mahogany, auburn, autumn leaf ... With some red orange or copper red strands that will make my color blaze.

Attention: just like the blond colorations, the red colorations require a particular maintenance. No question of tarnishing our flamboyant reflections or spoiling the natural effect of color with unsightly roots .

Better to use special shampoos for colored hair to maintain the hue, and make an appointment in his hair salon every four to six weeks for retouching. The practical trick? Ask his colorist to advise us a good brand of dye to do at home to hide the roots between two passages in the living room.