A color fixer

If you just raided the stores and you've cracked a beautiful pink linen shirt and an orange cotton dress , take care when you decide to wash them. To avoid the catastrophe of the linen that rains on all of your wardrobe, arrange your new acquisitions in a bath of cold water and vinegar. During your next laundry, do not hesitate to incorporate a few spoonfuls of vinegar into the rinse water .

A task eliminator

You love fruits but your clothes them, fear them. If you have stained a synthetic fiber garment, place it on an absorbent cloth and rub it with a cotton pad soaked in white vinegar. In the case of a silk scarf or woolen vest , do the same operation and do not forget to rinse with clear water . Neither seen, nor known, your linen will regain all its splendor !

An exceptional cleaner

You have finally invested in nonstick stoves unfortunately they have not kept their promise and the bottom attaches . Do not panic make boiling water vinegar and all will be more than a bad memory.