As we know, it is essential to have a good personal hygiene to avoid certain inconveniences ... And this one necessarily passes by the preservation of the natural balance which reigns within our vagina.

The vaginal flora, what is it exactly?

The normal vaginal flora (or vaginal microbiota) consists of various bacteria: there are between 100 million and 1 billion per milliliter of vaginal secretions inside the vagina.

90% to 95% of these are lactobacilli (mainly Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus jensenii, and Lactobacillus iners), microorganisms also known as Döderlein flora.

Their mission? Defend the vaginal cavity from microbial and sexually transmitted infections . To do this, they acidify the vagina and produce substances that prevent the proliferation of microbes.

The flora is therefore essential for the balance of the vagina and its good health, especially in the prevention of infections such as fungal infection, bacterial vaginosis * (an infection related to the proliferation of bacteria that exist in the normal state in the vagina and proliferate during an imbalance of the flora) or certain sexually transmitted infections (genital candidiasis, chlamydias, herpes, papillomavirus).

What are the causes of an imbalance of the intimate flora?

  • Variations in the secretion of estrogen. The flora evolves with time and changes with age. It can vary at puberty, during and after pregnancy, before and during menopause . Lactobacilli are highly dependent on hormonal impregnation: the more hormones, such as estrogens, the more lactobacilli develop and can effectively protect the vagina. At menopause, less estrogen is produced and therefore less lactobacilli. Result: more vaginal or urinary infections are developed . Some contraceptive pills , low in estrogen, may also promote imbalance. After childbirth, a sharp drop in estrogen levels makes women much more prone to infections. Finally, smokers also tend to suffer a disturbance of their microbiota because much less estrogen circulates in their blood.
  • Antibiotics. When taken in the long run ( to treat acne for example), some antibiotics weaken the vaginal flora, promoting the development of infections.

  • Daily use of hygiene products based on antiseptics. "The natural reservoir of lactobacilli is the rectum, when it is missing in the vagina, those of the rectum migrate along the vulva to reach it.The problem is that antiseptic products destroy lactobacilli and prevent the vagina This is a disaster because women with infections think eradicate them using this type of product, but they may aggravate and prevent the vaginal flora to rebuild, "says Dr. Jean-Marc Bohbot, gynecologic infectious diseases.

  • Certain diseases such as diabetes or thyroid diseases .

The right actions to adopt for a balanced flora

In order to restore the balance of our vaginal ecosystem, it is imperative to adopt a correct intimate hygiene and opt for mild cleansing products.

We avoid practices such as douching, washing with water or prolonged baths that tend to dry the vulva and also proscribes the washcloth, a true nest of microbes!

Probiotics help vaginal flora

Probiotics are living microorganisms and there are several different strains of these lactobacilli.

For Dr. Bohbot, they represent "a real revolution in the management of infectious gynecological pathologies."

Be careful, these are not intended to replace the microbiota "but to restore order in the vaginal cavity so as to recreate an atmosphere conducive to the proper development of physiological flora."

A method that has been proven in many indications, both curative and preventive.

"In women who have vaginosis, I do not treat antibiotics any more, but I directly prescribe probiotics for 1 to 2 weeks per month for 2 to 3 months in a row (...) It has also been Pre-menopausal women, symptoms such as intimate dryness or pain during intercourse could be greatly diminished when taking probiotics, "says our expert.

If the flora is normal, no need to take in prevention.

How it works ?

On the advice of your gynecologist or a pharmacist, we opt for the strains that best suit our pathology.

Ideally, they are taken vaginally as ovules or gynecological capsules, much more effective than oral.

The duration of treatment may vary. Generally, a few weeks are enough to restore the vaginal flora.

Namely: there are probiotics extended release. A more comfortable option, which avoids having to take too much regularly.

* According to studies, vaginosis is a major cause of prematurity in pregnant women.