What does it consist of?
Foods to consume and to banish
The most and the least
Duration and effectiveness
Dr. Rougier's advice
Examples of typical menus

What does it consist of?

Conducted by a team of 20 specialists like Dr. Rougier, a neurologist, the Slim Data method is for everyone, whether you are overweight or not, or just want to eat better . It is a " neuro-digestive reprogramming ".

It provides keys to restore one's diet in a healthy way, without excess, without deficiencies and without feeling of hunger.

For this, it sorts foods in color areas , assigning them an index that defines their impact on the storage of fat cells.

Thus in the green zone, are grouped all those having an index between 20 and 45, in orange those which are between 45 and 65 and finally, in the red those between 65 and 100. 100 being the maximum index , it corresponds to the strong alcohol type wisky. There is also a purple zone, in which are grouped all the dishes strongly disadvised, which correspond mostly to industrial products.

Slim Data provides a program consisting of three phases . The first lasts between 15 days and 3 weeks, regardless of the weight you have to lose. During this period it is recommended to eat 3 'green' foods per meal or 2 greens and 1 orange.

The 2nd step is that of stabilization, it again takes a fortnight. One can then eat 2 orange and one green food and exceptionally (2 times a week maximum) one of each color during the same meal.

The 3rd and final stage in turn arises as a reflex to acquéri r since it has no end. As eating habits are changed at this stage, you should have banished bad habits and acquired the good reflexes of association between foods. It is therefore allowed to assemble 2 'oranges' and a 'red' at each meal.

Foods to consume and to banish

Food to consume

- (green zone) freely :

Endives, green beans, chard, raw carrots, peppers, tomatoes, white meat, poultry, fruit yogurts, plain white cheeses, oranges, tangerines, kiwi, red and white beans, rye, fish other than breaded and canned ...

- (orange zone) on a daily basis , by associating them with foods from the green zone:

Avocados, beetroots, white pudding, offal, breaded fish, peas, lentils, cereal bread, semi-skimmed milk, white ham, pineapple, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, strawberries ...

- (red zone) from time to time , always associated with foods from the green zone:

Pumpkins, pumpkins, tarama, herring in oil, pork, pates and terrines, sausages, fermented and melted cheeses, apricots, prunes, dates, peanuts, white bread, muesli ...

- For seasonings, opt for sweet peanut oil and sauces made from olives, lemon or vinegar.

Foods to banish

Even though the term 'ban' is not mentioned in the Slim Data program, the following dishes should be avoided strongly (this is the purple zone ):

Industrial products that contain a lot of added preservatives, away from staple foods like bacon or smoked salmon chips, ketchup, sauja sauce, cakes, peanut butter, sweets ...

The most and the least

Most :

- All families of food are allowed, so there is no feeling of frustration .

- Having no end in itself the method prevents the effect yoyo often undergoes a few months after the end of a diet.

- The program is balanced, so there is no risk of deficiencies .

- At the end of the first stage, after 15 days, you are less irritated , less stressed , more concentrated and you sleep better .

The lessers :

- There are no phases during which weight loss is more important than others. It is therefore necessary to 'keep the cape' and be patient because a loss of weight is often a long-term slimming that is done in time (gently) and not in speed. Do not lose confidence if you stagnate for a while.

- Not easy to memorize the classification of food and not to confuse the boiled eggs (green zone) hard boiled eggs (orange zone) or zucchini (green zone) squash (red zone) ...

Duration and effectiveness

There is no definite duration since it is about putting in place healthy eating habits to apply all your life.

If you have less than 10 kg to lose, you should eliminate 2.5 to 3.7 kg per month and up to 4, 2 kg if you must lose 10 to 20 kilos.

Dr. Rougier's advice

For cooking

- Favor the curl made of parchment paper. Avoid aluminum that it is utensil or container, this one is very toxic.

You also cook in a bain-marie , smothered or in a wok.

- If you heat in the microwave , do not exceed 350 watts, because the more you cook less it is good for health. Double the time and divide your power in half. Always wait one to two minutes before ingesting a dish that comes out of the appliance.

Before and during the Slim Data program

- Keep in mind that you are engaging in healthy nutrition before being a slimming diet. If you feel good, and if you feed yourself properly in a balanced way, then you will reach your basic weight naturally . It is very important to take into account his psychological state (stress, emotions ...) because it is he who could turn everything upside down (who can never avenge on chocolate after a sentimental break or a professional failure?). In this regard find tips in tool number 5 of the book Programming to heal .

While eating

- Chew as much as possible , so you will have a better digestion and a feeling of satiety faster and lasting.

Do sports activities?

- Not necessarily except walking . You have to do 30 minutes a day with a fairly steady pace while swinging your arms; it rebalances the pancreatic-brain connection and strengthens the nervous immune system . You can also do water aerobics. For the rest, if you stick to the prescribed program , the weight loss will be done anyway.

Food supplements needed?

- They are useful but not essential. They allow, for example, to bridge the deficiencies due to stress during bad periods and promote digestion. Herbal medicine is a good solution.

Examples of typical menus


Green tea
A whole white cheese with walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds
A slice of sourdough bread with a knob of butter
A fruit salad SLIM-data
Green tea
Two little Swiss fruit (no added sugar)
A shell egg
A pink grapefruit or two kiwis


Nicoise salad (green)
Mozzarella with basil (green)


Steak tartare and mushroom fricassee (green)
Chicken papillote with peppers (green)


(Since everything is very green until then you can allow an orange dessert)

Lemon pie
Brown rice with vanilla milk