The sport playlist to warm up

To avoid breakdowns or not to brutalize your muscles at first glance when you start a sport session, it is essential to go through the warm-up box. Generally these do not exceed 5 minutes and are really used to heat the muscles to prepare them for the more or less intense effort that follows. To get into the bath, we choose a lively music but not too aggressive either and whose pace is crescendo.

The cardio sport playlist

Running, cycling, swimming, fitness, all these different sports contain cardio and consist of moderate efforts. To stay motivated during a cardio class, the ideal playlist must be composed of rhythmic music but fairly constant to accompany the heartbeat.

The intense sport playlist

For nothing to let go or to give yourself a boost during intense efforts such as push-ups, abs or squats, in short movements that target a body-building bodybuilding, we choose fast-paced songs, to boost its adrenaline and destocking fats more easily.

The sport playlist to stretch

In the end, it is not enough just to stop and recover your breath to complete a sport session. To finish it properly it is imperative to hydrate and stretch for about 5 minutes. During this very important stage, we then proceed to stretching of the whole body (arms, legs, back, shoulders), and deep breaths and expirations which aim to oxygenate the muscles, to avoid their oxidation and therefore avoid aches. To accompany these last minutes, there is also a softer playlist that helps to lower the heart rate.

It's up to you now ... Have a good session!