The oil slick hair is the new hair trend that comes straight from the United States. And if in French "oil slick" translates to "oil slick", rest assured, it is not a question of impregnating your hair. The oil slick hair is actually to create multicolored reflections on both sides of your length like those created by the streaks left by the puddles of oil.

Introduced by Israeli colorist Aura Friedman, the trend of slick hair can be seen as a lighter version of the hair chalk , a trend to make her hair a true rainbow of colors. Except that this trend mainly concerns brown to black hair.

Indeed, rather than adding colors one by one on the hair, Aura Friedman begins her color mixing from a black base. Base that could be assimilated to this famous oil slick. Not having to be discolored, the hair is preserved. Reflections that, according to the colorist, age rather well and do not require touch-ups for several months.

"I tried to recreate this image of a trail of gasoline or oil, and I find that when you put a layer of dark purple and a layer of dark green on top you get to find these iridescent reflections," she explained. popsugar .