The principles of the Spoonlight diet
The foods recommended in this slimming program
Foods to avoid in this slimming program
Prohibited foods in this slimming program
The benefits of the Karl Lagerfeld scheme
The disadvantages of the Karl Lagerfeld regime
Duration and effectiveness of the Spoonligh program

The principles of the Spoonlight diet

Based on food rebalancing , the Spoonlight program is a mixed protein diet.

The basic principle : reduce caloric intake , including fat and sugar, while adding protein to its diet with high protein sachets to preserve muscle mass.
In practice, a protein dose of at least 1.2 g per kg of ideal weight is required in women and 1.5 in men.

Caution : To carry out this diet, you must use nutritional supplements. Essential to this program, they help support the patient. Their role ? Contribute to decrease appetite, stress, fatigue and bring vitamins and trace elements.

Another constraint : If you want to lose more than 5 kilos, you must be followed by a doctor

The foods recommended in this slimming program

Foods are classified into 3 lists, according to their calories.

This list includes:
- Milk (Milk, yoghurt, cream cheese up to 20% fat ...)
- Meat (horse, veal, ham ...)
- Fish and shellfish (crab, scallops, lobster, sea bream, hake, salmon, sole, trout ...)
- Vegetables (Lettuce, endive, green beans, leek ...)
- Fruits (Orange, apple, pineapple, melon, strawberries, tangerine ...)
Light drinks and wholemeal bread

Foods to avoid in this slimming program

- Meat (Beef ...)
- Fish and shellfish (tuna, sardines ...)
- Cheeses (Camembert ...)
- Other (bread, wine, white rice, semolina, rusks ...)

Prohibited foods in this slimming program

- Fatty substances (butter, margarine, oil ...)
- Meat (Lamb, mutton, door, red meat ...)
- Vegetables (Lentils, potatoes, peas, dried beans ...)
- Cheeses (Gruyere, Gouda, Roquefort ...)
- Fruits and dried fruits (Cherry, grapes, banana, chestnuts, prunes, hazelnuts, almonds ...)

The benefits of the Karl Lagerfeld scheme

This diet being high protein, it is not the muscles that melt but the fat mass, the intake of fat and carbohydrates being removed from the diet.
Therefore, weight loss is very fast, especially at the beginning of the diet, which is very motivating for the patient.

Another good point, if you want to lose more than 5 pounds during his diet, it is imperative to be followed medically.

The disadvantages of the Karl Lagerfeld regime

Prohibition of certain foods can lead to dietary deficiencies ... The contributions necessary for the good development of our organization are therefore not respected.
It is then possible to feel feelings of hunger, weakness or even vertigo.

Another bad point, fatigue is relatively important when you follow this diet, it is not compatible with intense physical activity ...

Budget level, the purchase of high protein packets but also dietary supplements can have serious consequences on your bank account. (We suspect that for Karl, it was not the case!)

Finally, and this is the main negative point, the Spoonlight program does not teach the patient to feed "properly". We reduce the caloric intake and quantities , without necessarily relearn to eat better. Hence a risk of yo-yo effect at the end of the diet ...

Duration and effectiveness of the Spoonligh program

Even if Karl Lagerfeld has made a crazy bet : losing 42 pounds in just one year , do not expect to do so, especially without medical support. This result is " extraordinary " and much too frustrating to be followed in the long run ...

For more information on this diet, " The best of diets " Karl Lagerfeld / Dr. Jean-Claude Houdret Editions I Lu, 6,40 €