1- Choose the low-fat meat and remove all the visible fat: the fat that carbonizes transform into polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), the second molecules incriminated in cancer.

2- Marinate it. A Portuguese study has just shown that beef marinated for 6 hours in red wine does not produce heterocyclic amines. Previously, another study had already achieved the same result with chicken placed for just 40 minutes in a mixture of brown sugar, olive oil, cider vinegar, garlic, mustard, salt and lemon juice.

3- Lightly pre-cook in the microwave , discard the juice and finally grill it. According to the University of California, a 2-minute pass reduced by 95% heterocyclic amines (HA) , carcinogenic substances produced by high-temperature meat.

4- Flip it often . The right rhythm: once every minute. Keeping the internal temperature of the meat lower reduces the production of bad amines.

5- Eat vegetables at the same time . Whether raw or cooked, they are a source of vitamins and fiber, and dilute aromatic hydrocarbons.

6- Choose the most "clean" charcoal possible if it produces more PAHs : on the label, it must be written "above 85% carbon" or "category A".

Thanks to Sophie Martin, dietician. www.angers-dietetique.fr