What are dental facets?
How it works ?
How to maintain dental facets?
What are the results ?
And the price in all this?

What are dental facets?

Placed directly on the teeth , these shells cover them . Generally in porcelain or composite , they aim to improve the appearance of the smile ...

How it works ?

The principle is simple .
After slightly polishing the teeth, the dentist sticks the facet to the affected tooth . (Facet made from a previously taken imprint)
It therefore gives an ultra natural result.

Another positive point is that the tooth on which the facet is fixed is preserved and therefore remains alive .

Finally, we give a lifetime of approximately 10 years to the dental facets ...

How to maintain dental facets?

Of course, the thin shell can not be used , but the tooth on which the facet is placed is alive, it can be exposed to caries .
So, as for your teeth, oral hygiene is paramount: we brush our teeth after each meal, and we think to reduce the consumption of tobacco, tea and coffee to avoid stains !

What are the results ?

Covering the front of the teeth , the dental facets improve their appearance. They are therefore used to:
- Close the spaces between the teeth,
- Arrange teeth that are misaligned ,
- To correct a teeth too " dark "

And the price in all this?

Today, the cost is high ! Having a star smile has a price: between 400 and 1000 € facet.
Note however that prices vary will be practitioners .