To display pretty feet this summer, you can not miss the skincare step! For this, we apply a good moisturizer and we put into practice the few tips below. Insured baby feet!

We cut the nails
Not too short
and following the curve of the toe, without clearing the sides too much. For a clean cut, it is a pruning clamp that is needed. Then, we always file in the same direction, because the back and forth movements split the nails. Larger , easier to handle files are preferred.
Little summer tip : if you do not put polish, you give a little polisher to make the nails brighter. It is superb on tanned skin!

We bathe our feet
At least five minutes in a bath of warm soapy water. Three handfuls of coarse sea salt or three spoonfuls of 10 - volume hydrogen peroxide are added for an even more relaxing effect.
Small summer tip : if you have heavy legs , you do not leave the beach without having walked a few minutes in the sea to allow the dilated blood vessels to retract.

We sand the heels
With a grater in emery cloth , easier to handle than pumice . Attention, it is however used with moderation if the skin considers this mechanical exfoliation as an aggression and then recreates a new skin thicker.
A little summer tip : at the sea, polish the feet by rubbing them with damp sand, and then apply sunscreen to protect them from sunburn.

The cuticles are softened
With an emollient care. Then we push them back with a cotton swab and we get rid of the dead skin with a nail brush as chiropodists advise.
A little summer tip : at the beach, cuticles are regrown with a little damp sand.

We massage our feet
Ideally with treatments that contain urea - a moisturizing and exfoliating amino acid - or softening glycerin.
Small summer tip : to fortify the arch, one grasps with his toes shells or small pebbles.

SOS bulbs

They are treated with a bandage that absorbs secretions and helps healing.

SOS perspiration
They put on antiperspirant sprays without abusing them, they tend to dry out the feet.

SOS inflate
We dive our feet in hot water, then cold, and we spend a jet of ice cold water from the toes to the calves. They are massaged each evening with a freezing icicle for immediate effect.