Isotretinoin / Roaccutane


What is this medicine used for : It is prescribed as a symptomatic treatment of superficial tendinitis, osteoarthritis attacks and other pain resulting from traumatology ... It is an anti-inflammatory which therefore fights pain, thins the blood and lowers feverish spells.

The controversy : At the end of 2009, Afssaps decided to withdraw from the market all products containing keroprofen, including the famous Ketum gel. The reason ? Allergic reactions related to sun exposure sometimes require hospitalization. But the pressure of the laboratory Menarini (which markets the drug) has made its effect since justice has returned to the decision of the Afssaps by authorizing its release, under careful supervision nonetheless ...


What is this medicine used for : On sale for more than 40 years in our pharmacies, it is supposed to be effective against fever and other pains ... But the benefits are not superior to Doliprane®!

The controversy : Following overdoses, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden removed the drug from the market. In recent months, it is France that follows in the footsteps of these countries and which reduces its sale until a full stop scheduled for September 2011. The disorders related to a too important take of Di-Antalvic are heavy consequences: diseases psychiatric but also cardiac arrest!


What is this medicine used for : It is indicated for the treatment of diabetes. The role of pioglitazone in the drug is to stimulate insulin activity and maintain blood glucose levels at "normal" levels.

The controversy : The list of its undesirable effects is very long! Bone fractures especially in women, heart failure and muscle edema are part of it, while the benefits associated with the product are often too modest ...


What is the use of this medicine : It is prescribed for people whose thyroid gland can no longer produce thyroxine ... Generally it is a treatment that must be taken for life! Since January 31, 2011, this medicine is under surveillance of Afssaps

The controversy : Many complaints have been revealed following severe muscle pain, heart rhythm disorders, insomnia and even infartcus! Still on the market, the treatment must be followed by a doctor, because if disorders appear, it must be interrupted.

Isotretinoin / Roaccutane

What is the use of this medicine? Put on sale from the 80s, this drug treats severe acne and the results are amazing! But because of its side effects considered "dangerous", it is reserved only for people suffering from true skin diseases.

The controversy : despite the effectiveness, the treatment is not without risk. Pregnant women are forbidden to follow it, otherwise they will have fetal malformations. It is also known that it can lead to psychiatric disorders manifested by a feeling of sadness, irritability and loss of appetite. Finally, some patients may have suicidal behavior ...


What is this medicine used for? Close to the Picks, it is considered as an appetite suppressant for people with diabetes, overweight and prescribed for people on a diet. It was removed from the sale in 1997 of the United States, but it is only in 2009 that the French market has banned its sale!

The controversy : Important risks of valvulopathies and vascular heart disease have been noted, and according to Afssaps, between 500 to 1000 deaths have resulted from taking this drug in 30 years.


What is this medicine used for : On sale since 2009, this pill would help with weight loss. The novelty ? This is the first drug sold without a prescription!

The controversy : Aimed at those who want to lose weight and are really overweight, this drug has no dramatic effects, and causes diarrhea untimely resulting in water loss ... Moreover, it is against -indicated with certain treatments such as the contraceptive pill.


What is this medicine used for : This drug is indicated for infants under one year of age with typical flu symptoms. It must be prescribed by a doctor and determined on a case by case basis according to each person!

The controversy : this drug is supposed to reduce the effects of influenza by reducing the duration of the disease. But independent studies show that very troublesome disorders would be related to taking Tamiflu, such as visual, cardiac or even serious neuropsychiatric disorders ...


What is this medication used for? The 150mg Mediator is prescribed for diabetes and presented as "appetite suppressant" is produced by laboratories Serbier. It is an amphetamine derivative that appeared on the pharmaceutical market in 1976.

The controversy : many toxic effects for the heart causing deaths would have been noted. Removed from the French market today, he would have killed about 500 people in a little over 30 years ...


What is this medicine used for : It has been marketed by Pfizer Laboratories since 2007, it is a smoking cessation treatment and is prescribed by a doctor or a tobacco specialist.

The controversy : Many cases in the United States have created a sense of panic. Depressive or even suicidal behaviors and side effects such as diabetes or heart attacks have occurred after taking the drug.