Want to press the stop button to stop nocturnal ruminations at bedtime or during insomnia? Need to find restful nights? The thalasso can help us there.

According to a study by the National Institute of Sleep and Sleep *, one in three French people report suffering from sleep disorders. Seven in ten claim to have at least one insomnia of 30 minutes per night. Figures constantly growing due to the use before bedtime of blue light devices (computer, tablet, smartphone, television) that stimulate brain activity.

To reconnect with restorative nights, thalassos offer dedicated treatments. All offer hydromassage baths, underwater jets, seaweed wraps, relaxation in the pool ... Marine treatments with proven benefits, increased tenfold by the serenity of the place and the air iodized. And each adds exclusive protocols.

Workshops based on mindfulness in Royan

At Thalazur Royan, the Escale "Better Sleep" offers three specificities:

  • The "Sleep better" treatment, developed by Daniel Merdrignac, specialist in energy practices: "I created the Sleep Better treatment to free the body from the physical and psychological tensions that prevent falling asleep, first a shiatsu from the back to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic neurovégétatif system, followed by acupressure on the meridians, then guided verbal relaxation to stop the mental flow ". Olfactive atmosphere (lavender) and indigo light as a bonus.
  • The Workshop of 5 Tibetans, initiated by Gisèle Hoareau, yoga teacher, includes five dynamic exercises. Adaptable to each one's abilities, they help to develop a better self-awareness and to increase one's energy potential, both physical and mental, with an effect on the harmonization of the chakras . We leave with a card to continue to practice at home.
  • The Atelier du Souffle, conducted by Isabelle Aulanier, is based on six breathing techniques based on mindfulness and the visualization of objects to soothe overheated neurons.

Sensory experience and luxtherapy in Dinard

At Thalassa Dinard, where insomnia has been stalked for 25 years, the "Sea of ​​Sleep" cure also borrows the paths that harmonize the energies.

Indian foot arch massage, with a Kansu bowl made of a 5-metal alloy, relieves the mind and improves sleep. Ultra Sensory Travel sessions, inspired by the Snoezelen method, sharpen the senses. Colorful soft lighting, Ylang-Ylang vaporization, tactile filament discovery, music with the soundcare method (three phases: stimulation, relaxation, awakening) lead to total letting go.

Another specificity of the sessions of luxury therapy in the room. "Every morning at sunrise, the curist is exposed for 45 minutes in front of a lamp, equipped with UV filters, whose intensity varies from 5000 to 10 000 lux (an ordinary lamp emits 500 lux.) By penetrating the retina, the bright light reaches the hypothalamus, acts on the secretion of melatonin and synchronizes the biological clock to promote a restful sleep ", explains Joëlle Colin, director of the thalasso.

Improve your deep sleep in Saint-Malo

At the Thermes Marins de Saint-Malo, the "Sea and Sleep Capital" stay includes two signature treatments:

  • The "Sleep Well" massage combines vibratory maneuvers and digito-pressures along the meridians of the bladder and kidneys to unblock the energetic knots and relieve insomnia problems.
  • Cranial Emotional Reflexology relaxes skin and fascia muscles and stimulates the nerve endings of the scalp and face.

The 6-day treatment includes exclusively the use of a connected headband, to synchronize to his smartphone (but Wifi and Bluetooth are disabled at night). Aids for falling asleep (cognition, breathing, meditation and sound environment) diffused by bone conduction, stimulus emission to prolong deep sleep, intelligent awakening determined according to your cycles ... This advanced technology makes it possible to analyze sleep thanks to sensors housed in the frontal band. They record heart and respiratory frequencies, brain bioelectric activity. The next day, we read comments and advice on his smartphone (Headband connected DREEM, launched by the French start-up Rhythm, validated by the Institute of Biomedical Research of Armies.For sale on www.dreem.com).

Addresses and rates

Thalazur Royan: Escale Better Sleep 9 treatments 3 days / 3 nights from 681 € per person in double room and breakfast ½ pension 108 €. Cure 6 days in 2019. Reservation 0805 694 805 and www.thalazur.fr.

Thalassa Dinard: Cure Sea of ​​Sleep 24 treatments in 6 days / 6 nights and 5 sessions of luxury therapy per person in double room and half board from 1548 €. Booking tel 02 99 16 78 10 and www.thalassa.com.

Thermes Marins de St-Malo: Stay Sea and Capital Sleep, 24 treatments and headband 6 nights from 1926 € per person in double room and half-board at the Grand Hotel des Thermes. Cure without accommodation from 1050 €. Exists in Escale 12 care 3 days / 3 nights from 969 € in half-board. Booking tel 02 99 40 75 00 and [email protected].

* https://www.institut-sommeil-vigilance.org/all-know-on-the-sleep