Sodastream, a multinational company specializing in the manufacture of sparkling water appliances, asked the Toluna Institute for an investigation on World Water Day on March 22 . Objective: to understand the water consumption habits of the French . Conducted among 1,000 people representative of the French population, generation gaps in water consumption are instructive.

The young generation, good student

1 in 5 people over 46 years, knows that must drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day against 1 in 2 people for the generation 18-25 years.

- 73% of French people do not know the recommendations made on daily hydration, which means that 75% of French people say they drink less than 1.5 liters of water a day.
- However, 96.5% know that drinking more water is good for your health. In addition to being vital since it constitutes about 65% of our body, the water we absorb has real health benefits. It hydrates the skin, helps weight loss by eliminating faster, allows the brain to work better, in short it is an ally not to neglect.

The French and sparkling water

The French love sparkling water. It comes in 3rd place drinks consumed behind the still water, tea / coffee and in front of wine and soda. According to Nielsen, the natural sparkling water market jumped 2.05% in 2015, a figure that continues to rise especially among 46-70 year olds. These are the largest consumers of sparkling water. 61.4% of French people make it plainly regular consumption, several times a week to daily.