And if our general well-being passed (first) by the attention paid to our feet? Popular in recent years, reflexology prides itself on relieving a lot of everyday ailments, from common fatigue to more specific pains such as back pain or migraine.

"The arch is like a kind of remote control to act on the rest of the body. By stimulating a sensitive point, as we would press a key, we can relieve a dysfunction, "explains the reflexologist Serge Demaistre, who adds:" the foot is a miniature representation of our body; besides, the Chinese consider him to be the spokesperson for physical and mental health. "

Reflexology, a millennial soft medicine

This ancient technique of digito-pressure was also practiced in Ancient Egypt as evidenced by the frescoes in some necropolises. In 1917 in the book "Zones Therapy" the American doctor William Fitzgerald divides the body into ten perpendicular zones that end at the feet. Based on his work, the American physiotherapist Eunice Ingham developed as early as 1930 a map of reflex zones of the feet and hands, which serves as a basis for modern reflexology.

For example eyes, sinuses, ears are located in the toes, vesicle in the right foot, colon descending in the left, brain on the thumbs.

Cartography of reflexology. Istock / coolvectormaker

Left foot treated first

Each foot has 7200 nerve endings . At each point corresponds an organ, a gland, a part of the body. Stress, poor lifestyle, lack of sports, family or professional concerns, taking medication create internal tensions that hinder the vital energy. No longer able to circulate, it focuses on a reflex point of the arch, causing swelling or crystals.

"At the beginning of the session, I spot the points invaded by these toxins generated by an excess of uric acid," explains Serge Demaistre. If a zone offers resistance, it is a sign of significant nervous tension. If I smell crystals under my fingers, it means that the liver has trouble getting rid of it.

The practitioner alternates crawling (technique that recalls the progression of the caterpillar), pressures, rotations and smoothing under the plant, on the sides, toes and the top of the foot.

Objectives: to disperse congestion, boost energy circulation and improve the function of the deficient organ. "To relax the person, I always start with the left foot, the right foot is the seat of deep and chronic disorders. And depending on the case, with the neutral massage oil, I add, or not, an essential oil, "continues the reflexologist. During the session, the blood, lymphatic and energetic systems are boosted, the production of endorphins favored, the painful pressures, in case of a failing organ, quickly erased.

The stimulations of the hands complementary to those of the feet

The hands are also a mirror of our body reflex zones located in the palm, on the fingers and the top of the hands. While the foot receptors are focused on the neurovegetative system , those of the hands are centered on the cortex.

The bodies that can be treated are fewer than those accessible by the feet, but the results are faster. Palmar reflexology is often proposed in addition to the plantar. Nevertheless, for people whose feet can not be massaged (illness, injury), for those who work with their hands, such as pianists, or are prone to osteoarthritis, slight pressure, circular and linear micro-massages prove effective.

Work the reflex zones of the face to maintain its beauty

Another method to solicit the natural process of self-regulation: facial reflexology , very powerful because of its proximity to the brain. "The cartography shows for example that the bridge of the nose corresponds to the spine. By stimulating certain points, we can relieve pain in the cervical or sacrum, "says Serge Demaistre. The maneuvers decongest the clogged areas and also affect the texture of the skin.

Practiced during beauty treatments, they promote firming, stimulate micro-circulation, delay the arrival of wrinkles and tone the face.

What contraindications to reflexology?

Whether plantar, palmar or facial, the promises of reflexology are multiple.

This therapy is for everyone, from babies to seniors; but it is contraindicated in case of wounds, trauma, circulatory disorders, heart problems and to pregnant women before the fourth month of pregnancy

More information on the website of the French Federation of Reflexologists, www