The Oscars evening brings together every year the glamorous Hollywood gratin. Between sumptuous dresses, sketches featuring our favorite stars and moments of emotion, the ceremony is full of twists and turns. Not to mention the speeches of thanks, more or less successful ... Here are the "worst" speeches of the Oscars.

  • The destabilizing fall like that of Jennifer Lawrence in 2013

Fortunately for Jennifer Lawrence, the audience was very lenient, even seduced by her clumsiness. But not sure it works every time. One tip: opt for a more comfortable and practical dress.

  • The revelation of too much like that of Tom Hanks in 1995

While receiving the Oscar for Best Actor for the movie "Philadelphia", Tom Hanks is overflowing with emotion for his speech. He then spills on the man who inspired him: a gay professor, very beautiful, who had not yet made his coming-out. Thank you Tom!

  • The self-centered discourse like that of Sally Field in 1985

When you make a speech to thank the Academy for giving it a reward, it is better to avoid shouting to the audience "you love me now, you love me".

  • The politicized speech like that of Sasheen Littlefeather in 1975

Sometimes, the Oscars are not ready to assume a position too important. So Sasheen Littlefeather ended up regretting his speech for the treatment of the Amerindians in Hollywood, during the 1973 ceremony!

  • What about the speech of Jean Dujardin?

We do not know what to think of it ... It started with a wind of intense emotion, before finishing like a soufflé with big words that he could have avoided. Neither better nor worse, Jean Dujardin's speech is ... cute and embarrassing at the same time.