Menstruation, the scientific name for menstruation, is an integral part of women's life from puberty to menopause.

A menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days. In practice, it varies from 21 to 36 days depending on the women. This is the period between the first day of the rules and the first day of the following rules.

How to calculate your menstrual cycle?

Menstruation is defined as loss of uterine blood that flows through the vagina.

A normal menstrual cycle consists of 4 stages: the maturation of ovulation, ovulation, the implantation of the egg into the uterus and the rules. The last phase - the rules - corresponds to the uterine lining that is destroyed if the egg is not fertilized. They stop temporarily during pregnancy and definitely at menopause.

To calculate your menstrual cycle, it is necessary to keep a menstrual calendar up to date. It shows the date of its rules, their duration but also the other symptoms. After a few months, it will be easy to predict the date of our next rules and our date of ovulation ... Essential date for all women who wish to enter the maternity.

Tampons, towels, cup ... What protection to adopt during his period?

While the use of the tampon is more and more debated, so-called more natural protections, such as the menstrual cup, are on the rise. The composition of the buffers is widely pointed out. They contain carcinogens and sometimes cause infections known as toxic shock.

Today, tampons and sanitary napkins are the protections most used by women. These classic protections are to change regularly. Buffers have the advantage of being able to indulge in many activities, such as swimming in the sea or the pool.

The menstrual cup or cup is a flexible plastic container that is introduced inside the vagina, like tampons. It helps block the flow of blood. To place it properly, it is essential to train. Inserting it and removing it from the vagina is not always easy and can stop many women. This protection is booming because it is more ecological.

Menstrual-related conditions

Women can experience many menstrual disorders.

Nearly 1 in 20 women aged 30 to 49 consults a doctor regularly because of menorrhagia, abnormally heavy and prolonged rules.

Painful menstruation - dysmenorrhea - affects 50 to 80% of women , especially during adolescence or before menopause. It is important to consult when these pains become unbearable or disabling.

Any heavy or unusual bleeding should also be visited by the doctor. Frequent disorders include endometriosis, which affects 5 to 10% of women . This condition results in abnormally intense pain in the lower abdomen and / or a problem of infertility.

Finally, about 3 in 4 women experience premenstrual symptoms. It can be a severe fatigue, a sensitive and swollen chest, headaches and / or increased irritability.