You have taken your courage with both hands and your plane ticket is finally booked? Follow the guide to travel alone without any risk, and with great pleasure ...

Solo holidays: the destination

No risk: a holiday club

The more: you quickly blend into the atmosphere and the framing helps not to feel really alone.

The least: if you have trouble integrating, you can not say, "so much the worse I move!"

A la roots: a trip in a backpack to go on the adventure.

The most: one is completely listening to oneself, without constraint! We take the opportunity to go to hostels or hotels where there will be other solo travelers ...

The least: the solo trip is always more tiring because you can only rely on yourself to monitor the business, read the map, find accommodation, find food ...

Solo Holidays: the organization

It is essential to be open to the meeting (it is actually much more). It is better not to have a program too fixed, to take the time in the course of his desires, his encounters, his favorites.

Finally, listen to your body and mind. If you are tired, enjoy the fact that you are alone and have no compulsion to stop, even if it was not foreseen in your program or budget.

The traps: Do not be too tied to France (mail, phone), this sometimes makes things difficult for the one who leaves or the one that remains ... And then, adventure is adventure!

Essentials: A logbook to tell your adventures! Whether it's a blog or an "old-fashioned" notebook, you'll be delighted to have all these memories.

Practice: Be reasonable, do not go to places not recommended by the guide or locals, and try to book a day or two in advance of hotels to avoid sleeping under the stars in places where it is hard to lodge.