Preserving the benefits of green tea: how to prepare it?

In tea bags or in bulk, green tea will be beneficial to your health. The green tea bag is simply placed in your cup, into which you will then pour your water. If you use loose leaf, count between 2 and 2.5 g of tea per cup to prepare. What is more or less the equivalent of a teaspoon ... Place these leaves directly in the teapot, without using a tea ball: packed inside, the leaves rehydrate less well and release less nutrients. The water used must be the least calcareous possible. Heat until just simmering. Warning: it must not boil! This would prevent the flavors of green tea from flowing into the water ... Ideally, for a green tea, the temperature of the brewing water should be between 70 and 75 ° C. A temperature that is easy to control if you have a cooking thermometer ... As for the duration of infusion, recent studies show that a long infusion, of the order of 8 to 10 minutes, increases the antioxidant properties of green tea.

Enjoy the benefits of green tea: when and how to drink it?
For green tea to have an effect on your health, it is recommended to drink at least 3 cups a day. You can up your consumption up to 6 cups a day if you wish. In any case, do not add milk to your green tea. The casein contained in cow's milk actually blocks the action of catechins from green tea. Now it is to these catechins that we owe the anti-cancer properties of green tea ... It is also strongly recommended to drink your green tea away from meals, because this drink can affect the proper assimilation of dietary iron by the body. For this reason, green tea is contraindicated during pregnancy (a period when iron requirements are very high) or iron deficiency.