We have all been confronted with this situation: the sun, the application of sunscreen for a game of volleyball on the beach and at the end of the day, is the drama.

The sunburn that will make us suffer for days and prevent us from sleeping at night is making its appearance.

The first reflex? Spread the body with this whitish cream perfume so singular that we know since our childhood: the Biafine.

In 2016, 3 million tubes of this essential of our medicine cabinet were sold in France, the equivalent of 340 tubes sold per hour.

Back to the story of a product that has become cult.

A real "dressing" anti-burns

It was in 1971 that Mr. Wenmaekers, a French chemist, developed the formula of Biafine to cure the burns of his daughter-in-law.

Successful bet: the latter, blown away by the spectacular results of the cream, decides to submit it to the medical profession. Five years later, the product obtains a marketing authorization.

It allows millions of people to treat superficial burns of the 1st and 2nd degree, uninfected skin wounds and secondary erythema caused by radiation treatments, without the need for a medical prescription to get it.

A hydration shoot that repairs the skin in depth

Its composition (paraffins, avocado oil , tromalin) makes it possible to isolate the lesion from exogenous contaminations and to control the loss of water by perspiration, which creates and maintains a moist climate favorable to the healing of burns.

The more it is applied in thick layers, the more it brings water deep into the dermis. Result, the skin is very re-hydrated, promoting skin reconstruction.

An iconic perfume cream

We would have liked to know where its so special smell came from, encrusted in our memory since childhood and true Madeleine of Proust of our holidays.

Unfortunately, the secret is well kept. The information remains to this day top secret!

Do not confuse Biafine and BiafineAct

They are both considered as drugs and are composed of the same active ingredient, trolamine but their regulatory status and indications are different.

On the one hand, Biafine is available with or without a prescription and is located behind the counter of pharmacies.

On the other hand, BiafineAct is a self-medication medication for the general public which is freely available in the pharmacy. It is recommended for superficial and shallow burns, including localized sunburns and uninfected skin wounds.

So, what product should we not forget to slip in his suitcase before going to the sun this summer?