What is frizz?

Stop wisdom: frizz is not only for women who have smooth hair! Of course, they are easier to notice when the mane is perfectly sculpted, but curly hair, much drier are also concerned. How do frizz appear? Dehydrated, the hair subjected to heat or moisture attracts the water that hangs the hair fiber and raises the hair. And there, curls not frankly glam 'form on the hair.
To note : the more your hair is dry, the more they are subjected to the loops!

How to tame frizz?

One person in charge: external aggressions. The hairdryer , the straighteners, the sun modify the texture of the hair. The scales open and this is what gives this frizz effect. Sometimes even care for straight or curly hair can not be effective. To tame them, many products exist. Still we must find the one that suits us!

Which hair product to choose?

Between gels, creams, shampoos and serums, difficult to see clearly. And spending a fortune in hair care is out of the question! The main idea to remember : Choose a shampoo rich in active moisturizer that nourishes the hair and tightens the scales to give a more "smooth" effect . : You can, if you wish, complete the effect of the shampoo with serum to apply in tiny amount so as not to weigh the hair because its texture is often too fat ... Finally, if you have curly hair naturally, think creams that draw loops and gives them a stunning volume!

The gestures to be banished to avoid frizz

The important thing is not to dry out the hair . Gels and other styling waxes : on or-blie ! And if you are a follower of smoothing plates or smooth brushings , you will have to lift your foot ... Indeed, the very high heat released by these devices only worsens the situation . Finally, after washing your hair, do not dry your head upside down by working them by hand. Because once your hair is dry and well removed from the roots, it will be even more difficult to tame the frizz !