On your marks, ready? Slow down ! Naturopath Sophie Schlogel Delafon sets the record straight: the success of an express detox depends on our ability to rest.

The detox cure: ideal after holidays or seasonal changes

"Renewed regularly during the year, at the seasonal changes or after the holidays, it is ideal, provided that the metabolism has sufficient strength to self clean" describes the author of Detox, find shape and vitality ( Ed Mango). For her, the energy of the body is comparable to that of a battery. Two sources of exhaustion threaten him: the "gamberge", or headache and other anxieties that block elimination; and digestion .

If tired, the body prioritizes emergencies. Elimination is not one of them. It ends up looking like a swamp, where stagnant toxins. For the body to attack these harmful substances, it needs energy. So rest. "Otherwise, it's like shaking a rug in a room, windows closed. It falls back. "

Organize your express cure on a weekend

The good plan? Stall his cure from Friday evening to Monday morning and organize upstream to be able to bubble, sleep , take baths, read a book in bed and warm ... In short, be caring for oneself.

Step 2: promote good digestion, thanks to a mono diet based on a digestible food, to eat throughout the day. Compote without sugar, vegetable soup (except potatoes), served mixed, thick texture ... At this diet, we feel fit from Sunday morning!

We continue one more day and try to soothe our minds : walking in the woods, relaxing music, breathing exercises, heart coherence or meditation ... For Sophie Schlogel Delafon, this program is self-sufficient.

Detox juices to boost the regenerative process

The zealous ones will boost the process with a vegetable juice cure, made at home or bought in bottles (like Breuss lacto-fées). "This shower of vitamins, enzymes, trace elements and minerals regenerates the body without feeling the intestines, since there is no fiber to digest. It is much cheaper than dietary supplements , and can be tasty! To modulate your mix according to your tastes and needs.

In thumbs, adopt the traditional half lemon juice diluted in a glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach. Other friends of the liver, rosemary herbal teas or less known milk thistle and desmodium (in capsules), true "hugs" for liver cells. In herbal teas, star anise and fennel fight against flatulence, lemon balm relieves stomach aches related to anxiety. The sapwood of linden is an excellent general draining, to take rather in bulb (one morning and evening), more accessible to the taste.

A little sport to eliminate better

Sport side? The tonics will practice the race, in quiet mode - alternating ten strides of running and ten of walking , not to produce lactic acid.

The lymphatics will mobilize their muscles through vinyasa yoga , Pilates , or bio danza. Lastly, naturopathic massages, little known, will stimulate even more the emunctorial functions. The more the body receives messages of elimination from different systems - nutrition, mind, skin, lymph, etc., the more it puts the heart of the book. A good nature, we tell you!