If you are reduced to never doing buns , pony tail, and wearing long hair to hide your ears off here is a revolutionary operation * without scar, without general anesthesia that will change your life.

Corrective surgery for whom?

For all those, from 7/8 years whose ears are peeled due to a lack of plication of the anthelix. It is the Y-shaped fold that is normally located in the middle of the ear, between the conch and the helix. However, some defects do not fall under this intervention: the lobes too projected forward, conch too large (more than 16mm projection).

How is the operation?

In two times. First of all, the surgeon makes a "fitting" with a small clip, in the shape of a small circle, (the Prefold), which he positions on the ear at the place where the final implant (the Earfold) will be placed. ) and that allows to visualize with precision the result post-operative.15 days later (legal delay of retraction of the patient); the operation is done under local anesthesia.

The surgeon makes a 6mm incision, peels the skin flush with the cartilage and introduces the implant between the skin and the cartilage on the front of the ear. It is a small Nitinol shape memory plate, anti-rejection that is also used for heart valves. Once in place, it resumes its half-circle shape, gives a good curvature to the ear which "glue". The surgeon lays two to three stitches. The operation lasts about ten minutes per ear.

What are the postoperative consequences?

We immediately see the results. There are sometimes bruises, red ears for a week, but the pains are exceptional. The sutures are resorbed themselves in about ten days. It is recommended during the first days to clean the ears with care. No antibiotic intake. The infection is extremely rare, but if, exceptionally, it is the case, the implant is removed and can be rested four months later.

How many doctor appointments do you expect?

One for "fitting", the other for implant placement. This one is definitive and lasts all the life.

The price to finish with the ears off?

Count 580 € for an implant. Sometimes it takes two for one ear. With the intervention of the surgeon must therefore count from 2000 to 4000 € depending on the number of clips. Some mutuals pay part of the costs.

How to find the right surgeon ?

Few French surgeons are still trained in this new technique which however has a decline of more than five years in England. The addresses of practitioners trained by Dr. Marchac can be found on the Internet.

* Thanks to Dr. Alexandre Marchac, plastic surgeon, member of the International Society of Atrial Reconstruction.