Time is good resolutions! And if we took the opportunity to adopt a healthier lifestyle and get rid of the excesses of the holidays? To start 2017, we go into detox mode. It is our body that will tell us thank you ... Finally, at least until the galette des kings.

Why do a detox?

We consume less and less food in natural form. In fact, 80% of our food is of industrial origin and some chemical compounds have an impact on our body and our health. In parallel, the air we breathe is also increasingly polluted. Conclusion: our body is confronted daily with thousands of toxins . If he is able to eliminate them alone as he goes, he sometimes needs a little help. Especially when making discrepancies (translate: after the holidays). So it's time to do a sweet detox. Once relieved of all that plumbs us, we feel necessarily better.

How do I get started?

Recommended by naturopaths, the detox allows to evacuate toxins from our body. Naturally, certain organs of the human body such as the lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines and skin have the power to eliminate the waste produced daily. But our current lifestyle (stress, junk food, lack of sleep, ...) detracts from the detoxifying abilities of these organs. And it shows directly on our body! Eczema, dark circles, digestive disorders ... all these small evils - and many others - appear to indicate to us that we must react.

How? By consuming more natural products. Thus, the bodies in charge of eliminating toxins are less stressed by food, and can do their job better. A kind of great cleaning that is good inside and is seen outside!