First the most visible. In vogue in the United States, the search for the Hollywood smile arrives in France! Parapharmacy shelves are full of concepts that invite you to take care of your teeth. Choice of: Activated charcoal-based "Black Is White" chewing gum, sonic toothbrushes, special gum hyaluronic acid dressings, Regenerate ™ enamel regenerative care, Semi Curen® toothbrushes pro Curaprox ... For the dentist Géraldine Leroy, the profusion of new products must especially accompany a mechanical cleaning of high precision.

Diseases often start between the teeth!

"It's like cleaning, you have to be meticulous" summarizes the professional, who recommends the electric toothbrush brushing two: "Row top, bottom, front, back and on the molars, just keep the brush in contact with the tooth, but never lift it. Effective cleaning will eliminate plaque . Either an aggregate of food residues and bacteria that forms on the teeth, often causing caries and gum problems . When it stagnates in the mouth, it mineralizes with the limestone contained in saliva and becomes tartar - much harder to remove. If it accumulates and lodges under the gum, beware of complications!

Poorly groomed gums: an open door to diseases

"We do not build a house on land that is not healthy," says Géraldine Leroy. Oral health requires excellent gum hygiene. They must remain healthy to keep our real teeth as long as possible. Order ? Two annual descaling .

In case of deficient or incomplete hygiene, the gums may catch fire. The soft tissues then become red, swollen and tender, hence bleeding when brushing. It's gingivitis . "The gum is supposed to be fully bonded to the tooth by tissues composed of natural collagen. Regular bleeding indicates that these fibers are being destroyed and that chronic inflammation is taking place. When the gingiva gradually peels off the tooth, the bone becomes accessible to the bacteria. It is the gateway to diseases: heart problems , various infections, premature labor, etc. Like a serious wound that does not close, it must be treated urgently! "

If we do nothing, we risk periodontitis: it runs from inflammation of the tissues - light periodontitis - and bone that support the teeth, to their loss - in its severe version - and the loosening of the tooth .

Periodontology, a science in its own right

How to restore a gum? It all depends on the progress of the inflammation.

In case of gingivitis, the "surfacing", remove the tartar under the flesh. When the bone is reached, it is necessary to consult the periodontist who will intervene under the gum with ultra sounds and curettes. "In case of severe periodontitis, open the gum and visually clean the area of ​​deterioration. Then, depending on the case, the damaged areas can be filled with bone particles. Géraldine Leroy insists on the need to cleanse the gums before any implant placement, in order to avoid the dangerous foci of inflammation of the "peri-implantites". "

Dental hygiene: the importance of the genetic factor

Against all odds, we are not all equal in terms of dental hygiene, genetic ground requires. "Some people have a lot of bacteria in their mouth but little inflammation and vice versa. We must compensate for immune fragility by the quality of mechanical cleaning, "advises the dentist. "In addition to removing the tartar accumulated for years, we sometimes have to rebalance the patient's habits (hygiene, rest)."

In case of severe periodontitis, some professionals prescribe a treatment aimed at rebalancing the deficiency of certain blood formulas, according to a blood test carried out beforehand. Healthy gums prevent tooth extraction! "When you take care of the gums, you can sometimes keep teeth threatened up to ten or fifteen years more! "

Beware of the fillings!

According to the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAONT), a US information organization around amalgam, that of mercury (or sealing) causes some nuisance.

According to this association supported by many practitioners, the diffusion of this neuro toxic and immuno toxic metal through the fillings is not trivial. Some people, more than others, have a tendency to concentrate mercury and have difficulty eliminating mercury. This genetic fragility can lead to chronic diseases , or diseases whose origins are not yet explained. Examples: fibromyalgia , neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's, autoimmune diseases etc.

Europe (and France, which has ratified the decision) has decided to ban amalgams for pregnant women and children (unless absolutely necessary) from July 2018, and to the entire population by 2022. Alternatives exist, especially based on resins or ceramics. The installation and removal are critical moments of exposure to mercury. The professionals are formal: "Better to keep them than to deposit them without precaution. "