A slimming cream is good, but to make it penetrate more effectively, nothing like slimming self-massage to re-sculpt his silhouette.

A simple gesture, to discover in several stages with 3 recognized techniques for their efficiency: the kneading, the slipped pressure and the palpate-rolling.

Through regular practice, these different techniques will overcome the recalcitrant cellulite, but also the orange peel and water retention.

  • Step 1: The slipped pressure

This technique involves performing a toning effleurage to flush out toxins and firm the skin.

The right actions: with sustained pressure, the hands completely envelop the area to be massaged. Slide them perpendicular to the muscle fibers, from the bottom to the top. Vary the speed of execution according to the desired effect: the faster it is, the more energizing it is. To practice on the stomach and thighs.

At what frequency ? 15 to 20 minutes a day for at least 5 to 6 consecutive days the first week, then maintain with one to two sessions a week.

  • Step 2: palpate-roll

A technique that consists of taking off the skin and massaging it in mini-waves.

The palpate-rolling is ideal to attack the belly area, the famous "love handles" and thighs because it promotes micro-circulation. Widely recommended for excess fat, it also helps to regain firmness.

Good gestures: take a fold of skin between your thumb, forefinger and middle finger, then roll it up and down by moving your thumb in small movements. Adipose tissue can sometimes have trouble getting loose from the muscle envelope. In this case, it is necessary to keep the raised skin between the fingers a few seconds then release.

At what frequency ? 15 to 20 minutes a day for at least 5 to 6 consecutive days the first week, then maintain one to two sessions per week.

  • Step 3: Kneading

This self-massage promotes lymphatic drainage and makes the skin of the belly, thighs and buttocks firmer.

The right actions: to knead a fold of skin with a sustained pressure, but without it being painful. One hand pulls towards you while the other pushes (as for kneading a dough).

At what frequency ? 1 session of 15 to 20 minutes a day for at least 5 to 6 consecutive days the first week, then maintain with one to two sessions a week.