Who says spots, says damaged sun capital and accelerated skin aging. Of course, the quinquas are in line of sight: the older we are, the more our sun capital is reduced, and the more our skin has trouble managing its melanin stock. Brown spots appear and darken over time . But the younger ones are also affected by other defects of pigmentation, which arise after a hormonal dysregulation (pregnancy, pill) or inflammation, type acne, bobo or burn.

What is the skin mechanism? The mediators of inflammation come to attach themselves to the melanocytes and disrupt their activity, which consists, let us recall, in the manufacture of melanin. Then, the skin turns brown in a localized way or may even whiten suddenly.

The sun attitude: enjoy the sun before 10am. Frustrated? One keeps the smile knowing that by protecting itself malignant one looks four years younger (Study carried out by Vichy in 2008 on 28 106 women of 12 countries).

The best protection. SPF 50 sun care contains targeted active ingredients that calm the runaway of melanocytes, the cells in charge of tanning. Futures, these sunscreens ensure a uniform tan by preventing the overpigmentation of the spots already present.

Memo pretty skin. Before the holidays, make an assessment "spots" in institute or in a dermato equipped with a device allowing to visualize them when they are still invisible. Super motivating to know that the sooner you target your protection, the more damage you limit.

No thank you, waxing with the wax just before exposing. Tearing the hairs causes micro-inflammation that causes a chaotic distribution of melanin.